Building upon the results achieved from the implementation of the first and the second phase of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, a joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe, the Action “Enhancing the protection of human rights of prisoners in Albania” assists the authorities to further enhance prison reform and the protection of the human rights of prisoners and the persons detained in special institutions. It is implemented in close cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of Justice (Directorate General for Prison Administration - DGPA), the Ministry of Health and other national stakeholders, including prominent civil society organisations active in the area of protection and promotion of human rights.
The Action will focus on achieving the following outcomes:

  • •    The systematic application of newly gained knowledge and skills by prison staff improved healthcare provision to prisoners with mental health disorders and forensic patients;
  • •    The process of rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners is further strengthened through the application of individual sentence plans and reintegration programmes;
  • •    DGPA further strengthened their human resources practices and enhanced capacities for sustainable in-house training provision.

The key Conventions for this Action are the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), as well as the findings and the recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

The duration of the project is set at 48 months, and it is expected to be completed by 31 December 2026, with an overall budget of 850,000 Euros.

project news

Albanian prison service equipped with incident protocol for prisoners with mental health disorders

3-4 July 2024 Tirana, Albania

The Council of Europe is assisting the Albanian prison service to further improve the treatment and protection of prisoners’ rights, this time by developing a unified guidance related to the reaction of prison staff to incidents that involve prisoners with mental health disorders. Namely, the...

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Albanian prison staff improve their knowledge on delivering cognitive behaviour therapy for prisoners

12-13 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

In response to a request of the Directorate General of Prisons, the Council of Europe provided a dedicated training programme which empowers prison staff to deliver cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) in prisons. To this end, a two-day training was held on 12-13 June 2024 at the Training Centre...

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Albanian prison service to adopt trauma-informed therapy for women in prison

10-11 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

The Council of Europe is helping the Albanian authorities to introduce trauma-informed therapy in Ali Demi prison – the only prison in the country for women offenders. In this context, a two-day training on was held on 10-11 June 2024 in Tirana, at the premises of the Training Centre for Prison...

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20 Prison Directors from Albania trained on leadership skills and prison management

18-20 March 2024 Tirana, Albania

20 prison Directors representing all the Albanian penitentiary institutions, gathered in Tirana from 18-20 March 2024 to attend a leadership and prison management training, delivered by two Council of Europe international consultants and the Head of the Albanian Training Centre for prison staff....

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Albania’s high-level officials discussed the necessary interventions following the latest report of the Council of Europe Committee against Torture

30 January 2024 TIRANA, ALBANIA

Deputy Ministers of Justice and Health and Social Protection, high level prison management and representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ombudsman, alongside with representatives of the civil society, the Council of Europe Co-operation in police and deprivation of liberty Division (CPDL),...

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General Directorates of Prison and Probation Administration initiated work on programmes of preparation for release for violent extremist prisoners in Albania

20-21 November 2023 Tirana, Albania

A Working Group (WG) composed of representatives of the Albanian General Directorates of Prison and Probation Administration, prison professionals from three prison establishments (Burrel, Peqin and Fier), and representatives of the Albanian Coordination Centre for Countering Violent Extremism...

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Albanian prison staff improve their knowledge on professional conduct with mentally vulnerable prisoners

28 November 2023 Albania

The Council of Europe is helping to improve treatment of prisoners with mental health disorders and forensic patients by increasing prison staff’s professional knowledge of management of this vulnerable category of inmates. A two-day training was held in Lezha on 22-23 November 2023, bringing...

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Albania: Medical and psycho-social prison staff learn to develop multi-disciplinary treatment plans for prisoners with mental health disorders

19-20 September 2023 Durres, Albania

The Council of Europe continues to assist the Albanian Prison Service in enhancing the skills of prison staff for developing Individual Treatment Plans (ITP) and consolidate the practice of initial screening and in-depth assessment of prisoners with mental health disorders. On 19-20 September...

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The capacities of the Albanian Training Centre for prison staff further enhanced

16 May 2023 Albania

In response to the increase of the number of trainers from 2 to 12, the Council of Europe continued to assist in enhancing the capacities of the Albanian Training Centre for prison staff by holding a Training of Trainers (ToT) in Vlora from 10 to 12 May 2023 for 31 penitentiary staff with...

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Albanian prison service prepares to pilot Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for prisoners with mental health disorders

4-5 April 2023 Pogradec, Albania

The Council of Europe is assisting the Albanian prison service to further improve the treatment of prisoners with mental health disorders, by setting up a standardised system of detection, screening and treatment based on individualised treatment plans. In that direction, a working group meeting...

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Albanian authorities confirmed the partnership with the Council of Europe in further improving the situation in prisons and other closed institutions

10 March 2023 Albania

On 9 March 2023, representatives from the General Directorate of Prison Administration, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, State Advocate Office, and non-governmental organisations, together with the representatives from the European Union and the Council of Europe, gathered in Tirana to...

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