On 10 November 2023 a workshop on the use of telemedicine and electronic medical files in the prison healthcare system in Yerevan brought together representatives of the Ministry of Health, Prison Medicine Centre, Human Rights Defender’s Office, Office of the Representative on international legal matters. The main objective of the workshop was to present and discuss the necessary steps for practical implementation of telemedicine in the prison healthcare system, including the main challenges, technical settings, staff capacity, and other related issues. The event was another step towards the human-centred and technology-driven prison health care system supported by the Council of Europe.
The participants discussed a detailed plan for implementing telemedicine in prison healthcare that includes steps to address technical issues and prepare staff for these changes. The insights from the discussion will help the implementation of telemedicine and thus the transition to a more advanced and efficient healthcare system in prisons, with the Council of Europe's targeted support.
The participants also received recommendations on the use of electronic medical records in prison healthcare system including the necessary legal and technical frameworks. The introduction of electronic medical records aims at making the patients’ data in prisons more accessible.
The workshop has also highlighted the importance of cooperation between different actors. The success of the technological improvements will depend on teamwork of healthcare professionals, prison staff, and government authorities. Their commitment and multidisciplinary approach are indispensable for creating a more efficient healthcare system in prisons, as acknowledged by the participants.
This event is part of the Council of Europe’s support within the framework of the Project “Strengthening the protection of the rights of persons in detention” that assists the national authorities to further enhance penitentiary reform, prison health care and the protection of human rights of persons deprived of liberty. The Project is financed within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026 and implemented by the Council of Europe.