Back Regional Workshop of Local Trainers to Review and Upgrade the Training Materials on Financial Investigations and Confiscation of Proceeds from Crime

The meeting will gather local experts and trainers on financial investigations (police officers, senior officials from organised and economic crime Departments and prosecutors) and representatives from training institutions (Police Academies, universities) from the 7 project areas.

The purpose of this workshop is to exchange experience on the first round of trainings which took place in all the 7 project areas and in view of the second round of trainings which already started. Secondly, based on these experiences, to analyse and review the content of the training material to further upgrade it where this is requested. And, last but not least, to agree on a planning to incorporate a module on Financial investigations and the training manual on Financial investigations in the curriculum of the training institutions of the 7 project areas.

This meeting will further consolidate the networking at national and regional levels which is one of the added values of this project. But most importantly, it should provide a strong input for the coming CARPO project’s activities on financial investigations and ensure the sustainability of the project’s achievements on this crucial issue.



Belgrade 17 November 2006
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