Azerbaijan starts development of National Action Plan on Promotion of Open Government

Azerbaijan starts development of National Action Plan on Promotion of Open Government. Starting from 1 June 2019, Open Government Platform of Azerbaijan jointly with the Anti-Corruption Commission begins the development of the new National Action Plan on Promotion of Open Government in accordance with the requirements of the International Open Government Partnership initiative. Active involvement of all stakeholders, including civil society organisations, media and citizens will be ensured throughout the development process.

June 2019
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GRECO issues Second Compliance Report of Fourth Evaluation Round on Azerbaijan

GRECO issues Second Compliance Report of Fourth Evaluation Round on Azerbaijan. In a new report published on 18 June, the Council of Europe Anti-Corruption Group GRECO noted progress in the implementation by Azerbaijan of the recommendations on corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors. The report indicates that thirteen out of the total of twenty-one recommendations have been implemented satisfactorily, five recommendations have been partly implemented and three recommendations remain not implemented.

June 2019
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Baku hosts UN Public Service Forum-2019

Baku hosts UN Public Service Forum-2019. From 24 to 26 June 2019, Baku hosted the 2019 United Nations Public Service Forum. The importance of strengthening the monitoring of the implementation of relevant laws that ensure sustainable development, as well as enhancing broad mobilization against corruption through the introduction of an open government system was emphasized at the forum by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin.

June 2019
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Working Group for Extractive Industries Transparency created in Azerbaijan

Working Group for Extractive Industries Transparency created in Azerbaijan. On 21 May, the Extractive Industries Transparency Commission (EITC), composed of newly appointed members, held its first meeting to discuss activities executed under the Roadmap for the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure, as well as EITC’s Activity Plan for 2019. The Working Group for the preparation of the EIT report 2018 will include representatives from EITC, civil society, local and foreign extractive companies operating in Azerbaijan.

May 2019
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National Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) to operate under the Ministry of Taxes

National Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) to operate under the Ministry of Taxes. According to the Presidential Order of 30 May 2019, the Financial Monitoring Service (national FIU) will be operating under the Ministry of Taxes. The Order further requires compliance with international AML/CFT standards, including the obligations under the international treaties ratified by Azerbaijan.

May 2019
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Code of Conduct for officials involved in government procurement approved

Code of Conduct for officials involved in government procurement approved. The document approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 19 March 2019 aims to prevent corruption and regulate conflict of interest situations in the process of public procurement. Commitment to the rule of law, loyalty, honesty, impartiality, public trust, confidentiality, professionalism and personal responsibility and cultural behaviour are described as the standards of behaviour required for officials involved in public procurement.

March 2019
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Financial Monitoring Service continues series of trainings for reporting institutions

Financial Monitoring Service continues series of trainings for reporting institutions. The Financial Monitoring Service (FMS) continued capacity building activities for reporting institutions as part of its annual training plan. On 5-7 March, training sessions on XSD and XML-based reporting formats were carried out for compliance officers of the banks. The trainings provided implementation guidance to the reporting entities in preparation and submission of reports to the FMS.

March 2019
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278 cases of corruption sent to Azerbaijan’s courts in 2018

278 cases of corruption sent to Azerbaijan’s courts in 2018. The Anti-Corruption Directorate under the General Prosecutor’s Office filed 278 criminal cases against 431 people on corruption charges in 2018. 68 criminal cases were opened against 121 persons over misappropriation and embezzlement charges, while 55 criminal cases were initiated against 86 persons charged with fraud. The remaining cases were related to abuse of power, passive and active bribery, and other corruption offences.

January 2019
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Azerbaijan is launching single e-procurement website

Azerbaijan is launching single e-procurement website. The single e-procurement website which is being launched in Azerbaijan will help to completely automate the public procurement process. The creation of the website is primarily aimed at ensuring transparency in public procurement.

January 2019
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World Customs Organisation (WCO) is studying Azerbaijan’s experience in the fight against corruption in the customs field

World Customs Organisation (WCO) is studying Azerbaijan’s experience in the fight against corruption in the customs field. According to media reports, WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya said at a meeting with Chairman of Azerbaijan’s State Customs Committee that Azerbaijan’s customs service is an example for other WCO member countries. The WCO would like Azerbaijan to share its experience of the use of technology and institutional reform with other countries and play an important role in this area as part of the organisation.
January 2019
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