Council of Europe logoUPAC Project aimed at strengthening Ukrainian institutions’ capacities in their anti-corruption efforts. The project was jointly funded by the European Commission and the Council of Europe. It started on 8 June 2006 and lasted until December 2010. 
Corruption is considered to be a serious problem in Ukraine. The authorities of Ukraine acknowledged that corruption is a priority issue requiring comprehensive and serious countermeasures. This project assisted Ukraine’s anti-corruption effort in a broad manner. It comprises three components: 

  • Support to the creation of the strategic and institutional framework against corruption.
  • Strengthening of capacities for the prevention of corruption. 
  • Strengthening of the legal framework and the enforcement of anti-corruption legislation.
Project news

Final Conference: Introducing European Anti-corruption Standards (9 December 2009, Kyiv)

16 December 2009 Strasbourg

The final conference of the project gathered representatives of the Ukrainian partner institutions (including Ministry of Justice, Government Agent for anti-corruption policy, Parliament) as well as of the European Union Delegation in Ukraine and the Council of Europe Secretariat. The project...

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UPAC organised four more regional seminars on the anti-corruption package of laws (November 2009)

27 November 2009 Strasbourg

These seminars took place in Kharkiv on 12-13 November and Odessa on 24-25 November. Two seminars for prosecutors (12 and 24 November) were co-organised with the General Prosecutor's Office and the Academy of Prokuratura, while two other seminars for judges (13 and 25 November) were held...

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Series of regional seminars on the new anti-corruption legislation (October-November 2009)

5 November 2009 Strasbourg

These seminars were organised in cooperation with the Kharkiv Institute of Applied Humanitarian Research and the Ministry of Justice. in addition to four seminars held before - two in Simferopol (22-23 October) and two in Zaporizhia (28-29 October). These events, moderated by leading Ukrainian...

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Contact in Headquarters (Strasbourg)

Project Manager/Coordinator
Email: lado.lalicic [at]

Corruption and Fraud Unit
Department of Information Society and Action against Crime
Directorate of Co-operation
Directorate general of Human rights and legal affairs
Council of Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 26 29
Fax: +33 (0)3 90 21 56 50

Project Team in Kiev

Team Leader
Email: roman.chlapak [at]

Local Project Assistant
Email: vlasta.sposobna [at]

Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
Vul. Bohdana Hmelnytskoho 70 A
UA - 01030 Kyiv
Tel/ Fax: + 380 44 234 61 40 / 62 10


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