Supporting authorities in strengthening the new legal framework that regulates lobbying activities in Montenegro

15 December 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

The Council of Europe supported the finalisation of the legislative framework for the application of the new draft Law on Lobbying of Montenegro, by organising a workshop with the representatives of the Working group responsible for elaborating the legal framework. The CoE expert provided an...

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Maltese Financial Intelligence Unit shared its expertise with Montenegrin peers

18 - 20 October 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

Peer-to-peer training on collecting and analysing financial intelligence data took place in Podgorica, Montenegro on 18-20 October 2022. During the three-day training, the experts of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) Montenegro had the opportunity to get acquainted with the practices of the...

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Capacity of Montenegrin Judicial Training Center for training on money laundering raised

13-14 October 2022 Kotor, Montenegro

A training for trainers of the judiciary and police on processing money laundering cases took place in Kotor, Montenegro on 13-14 October 2022. The three-module training programme for judges, prosecutors, and police on prosecuting and adjudicating cases of money laundering, was developed in line...

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Risk Assessment of Terrorist Financing Through the NPO sector in Montenegro Launched

29-30 September 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

On 29-30 September 2022 the Action shared in Podgorica and before the relevant stakeholders in Montenegro, the Council of Europe’s methodology produced by the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division for the assessment of terrorist financing (TF) risks through the NPO sector. The event, convened...

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Supporting Montenegrin authorities towards stronger framework for asset declarations and prevention of conflict of interest

23 September 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

Montenegrin institutions and representatives of civil society organizations, joined the “Round table on the Law on Prevention of Corruption: asset declarations and prevention of conflict of interest”, organized on 23 September 2022, in Podgorica, Montenegro. To inform the Roundtable discussions,...

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The Agency for the Prevention of Corruption in Montenegro equipped with an agreed strategic framework for communication

5-6 September 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

Representatives of all departments of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption have worked together to finalise the strategic framework for communication of the Agency in a two-day Workshop convened by the Action on 05-06 September 2022 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The workshop built on the comments...

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The Agency for Prevention of Corruption in Montenegro improves its communication strategy

21-22 June 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

Representatives of all divisions of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption in Montenegro participated in Podgorica on 21-22 June, 2022 in a workshop on the strategic planning of communications for the Agency. The workshop aimed at updating the Agency´s current Communication Strategy...

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Sixth Steering Committee of the Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro

21 June 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

The Sixth Steering Committee meeting of the Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro took place on 21 June 2022 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The Project, a joint endeavour of the European Union and Council of Europe, is part of the second phase of the Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and...

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More Effective Investigations Against Corruption Offenses and Money Laundering in Montenegro through Institutional Cooperation and Data Exchange

30-31 May 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

On May 30-31, 2022 a total of 35 public officials from 12 different state institutions participated in the workshop on institutional cooperation in investigations of corruption offenses and money laundering convened by the Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro. The Workshop followed an...

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Assisting authorities in drafting the legal framework for the regulation of lobbying in Montenegro

27 May 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

The Working Group for the drafting of the Law on lobbying met on 27 May 2022 in the framework of the Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro. During the working session, the members of the group discussed the current state of the draft Law on lobbying that had been prepared with the...

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The continued enhancement of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption in Montenegro supported through an open discussion on its legal framework

21 April 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

Twenty-five representatives of Montenegrin institutions and civil society, participated in a Roundtable on “Law on Prevention of Corruption: Position, competencies and powers of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption”, organized on 21 April 2022, in Podgorica, Montenegro. The objective of the...

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Montenegro launches a risk-based approach to supervision of high-risk sectors

17 March 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

A workshop on the risk-based approach to supervision of construction and real estate sectors, but also of accountants and auditors took place in was held in Podgorica on 17 March 2022. The workshop assisted supervisory authorities in producing a questionnaire for reporting entities, and in...

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Information gathering mission on the Law on Prevention of Corruption: role, independence and competencies

16 March 2022 On-line event

A series of meetings with the relevant stakeholders for the prevention of corruption were held on 16 March 2022 in a fact-finding mission. The goal of this on-line mission was to collect information on implementation of Law on Prevention of Corruption, and more precisely on those legal provisions...

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Discussing potential pathways for regulation of virtual assets and virtual assets service providers with Montenegrin authorities

08-09 March 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

Representatives of Montenegrin institutions and private sector, participated in a Workshop on regulatory framework for virtual assets and virtual assets service providers, organized on 08-09 March 2022, in Podgorica, Montenegro. The objective of this workshop was to present the comments to the...

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Fifth Steering Committee meeting of the Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro

01 February 2022 Podgorica, Montenegro

The Fifth Steering Committee meeting of the Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro, under European Union and Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey – Phase II, took place on 1 February 2022 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The Steering Committee Meeting was convened to...

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Supporting Montenegrin authorities’ efforts to enhance regulatory framework for implementation of international restrictive measures

22 December 2021 Podgorica, Montenegro

Representatives of the institutions competent for the implementation of International Restrictive Measures participated in a meeting of the Working group for amending the Law on International Restrictive Measures, held on December 22, 2021 in Podgorica, Montenegro. During the meeting, the...

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Launching the sectorial risk assessment in AML/CFT supervision of real estate, investments and construction

21 December 2021 Podgorica, Montenegro

Within Council of Europe/EU’s Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey Phase II – Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro (AEC-MNE), the introductory workshop for the risk-based supervision of real estate intermediaries and the construction sector took place on 21 December 2021 in...

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Discussions on the draft legal framework for establishment of the non-conviction based confiscation in Montenegro

6-7 December 2021 Podgorica, Montenegro

During the meeting of the Working group for establishment of legal framework for combating illicit enrichment, held on December 6-7, 2021 in Podgorica, Montenegro, analysis of the draft legal framework for non-conviction based confiscation and recommendations for its improvement were presented...

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The Case Management System for the Financial Intelligence Unit developed, and heads of departments trained on its use

29 November 2021 Podgorica, Montenegro

The training for use of Case Management System, recently developed within the Action, was organized on 29 November 2021, for the heads of department of the Financial Intelligence Unit. The training increased capacities of the participants to process and disseminate financial intelligence data....

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EU and Council of Europe encourage Montenegrin authorities to reinforce the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing


Effectiveness of the mechanisms for prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing (AML/CFT), and establishing an effective track record of investigation, seizure and confiscation of criminal proceeds are some of the main challenges that Montenegro is facing on its European path. The...

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— 20 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 20 of 53 results.