Action Against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova – Phase 2
The intervention areas in this second phase represent a follow-up of the assistance provided to the Moldovan authorities by the Council of Europe from June 2020 to November 2021 through the “Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova”, funded by Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, United States Department of State. It is tailored to deliver legislative, policy and institutional impact by addressing pending recommendations from the 4th Evaluation Round of the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), by providing related support to the authorities to ensure that any new measures do not create a situation of regress on previous reforms implemented to address GRECO recommendations, and ahead of the 5th round of evaluations.
In this respect, the Action will carry out a comprehensive set of interventions, including reviews, capacity building and training, to facilitate the understanding, adoption and application of procedures, practices and tools that strengthen the prevention of corruption.
Building on the achievements of the first phase of the Action, the current phase will assist Moldovan institutions in the following areas:
- Improvement of independence through reinforced structural safeguards for judges and prosecutors ;
- Improvement of effectiveness of the National Integrity Authority in respect to performing integrity controls of persons entrusted with top executive functions ;
- Reinforcement and application of corruption prevention measures by top executive functions and law enforcement agencies ;
- Provision of advice to the Ministry of Justice on anti-corruption and integrity related legislative and institutional reforms.
The Action started on 1 September 2022, with a duration of 24 months and a budget of $400 000. It is funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the US Department of State. The Council of Europe, and more specifically the Department of Action against Crime, through its Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD) is in-charge of implementing activities under this Project.
The main counterparts of the project are the Government and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, the National Integrity Authority, the Superior Council of Prosecutors, the Superior Council of Magistracy (including Judicial and Prosecutorial Inspections), and the Law enforcement agencies.
Closing Conference of the “Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova (Phase 2)” – Key Outcomes and Future Directions
The “Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova (Phase 2)” project concluded with a Closing Conference and Steering Committee Meeting, where key stakeholders gathered to review the project’s achievements and discuss future directions. Running from September 2022 to December 2024, the...
Investigators, judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Moldova discuss investigation, prosecution and adjudication of corruption offences
The Council of Europe in partnership with the National Institute of Justice, in the framework of the project “Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova – Phase 2”, launched series of training sessions covering the topic of “Investigation, Prosecution, and Adjudication of Corruption...
Law enforcement authorities in the Republic of Moldova discuss possible ways to enhance whistleblowers protection
The Council of Europe, in close collaboration with the National Anticorruption Centre of the Republic of Moldova, organized a series of training events focused on the protection of whistleblowers dedicated to the employees of the Police, Border Police and the Internal Protection and...
Unit for Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (E & SEE)
Contacts in Headquarters (Strasbourg)
Head of Unit
Mr Tomislav SERTIC
Phone: +33 (0)3 90 21 46 16
Email: Tomislav.SERTIC [at]
Senior Project Officer
Phone: +33 (0)3 90 21 41 52
Email: Nadejda.PLAMADEALA [at]
Contacts in Moldova
Senior Project Officer
Ms Iuliana TALMACI
Tel: + 373 22 888 909
Email: Iuliana.TALMACI [at]
Linguistic Project Assistant
Ms Daria ARMAN
Email: Daria.ARMAN [at]
Council of Europe Office in Chisinau
73/1, Stefan cel Mare Blvd.,
NBC Building, 7th floor,
Chisinau, MD-2001,
Republic of Moldova
+373 (0)22 202-304