Non-profit organizations in Armenia discuss protection measures from abuse for terrorism financing purposes

24 July 2024 Yerevan, Armenia

The risks and vulnerabilities associated with terrorism financing through non-profit organizations (NPOs) present significant challenges, as these entities can be exploited to divert funds for illicit purposes. To address this aspect, the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Financial...

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Enhancing compliance with targeted financial sanctions in Armenia as an effective tool to prevent and suppress terrorism financing

22-23 July 2024 Yerevan, Armenia

International standards require countries to implement targeted financial sanctions regimes relating to the prevention and suppression of terrorism and terrorist financing. The freezing of the assets of those suspected of terrorism financing and those listed in domestic and international...

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Training of Trainers on the protection of whistleblowers in Armenia supported by the Council of Europe

27-28 June 2024 Tsaghkadzor, Armenia

Whistleblowing protection and awareness-raising on whistleblowing mechanisms are essential in fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within both the public and private sectors. Effective protection mechanisms ensure that individuals who expose wrongdoing are safeguarded against...

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Council of Europe supports the Anti-Corruption Committee of Armenia to enhance investigation of corruption and Money Laundering offences

31 May - 1 June 2024 Tsaghkadzor, Armenia

Financial investigations are essential in combating money laundering and associated predicate offenses, as they enable the detection and disruption of complex financial schemes used to disguise the origins of illicit funds. These investigations help identify and prosecute those involved in money...

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The Corruption Prevention Commission of Armenia receives support to advance systematic capacity building on the application of the conduct rules for public servants

20 - 21, 28 February 2024 Yerevan, Armenia

Following the adoption of the Model Code of Conduct for Public Servants in Armenia in 2022, the Corruption Prevention Commission (CPC) has embarked on a proactive campaign to encourage its application amongst all public institutions with the support of the Council of Europe. To guarantee the...

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Council of Europe supports AML/CFT compliance and implementation of targeted financial sanctions through specialized trainings for the financial and non-financial sector in Armenia

23 - 25 January 2024 Yerevan, Armenia

Financial institutions and Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs), have significant impact on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, as recognized by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Although anti-money laundering regulations have traditionally...

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Council of Europe supports the Ministry of Justice of Armenia to launch an awareness raising initiative aimed at promoting the whistleblowing system

29 November 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

On 29 November 2023, Council of Europe has joined forces with the Ministry of Justice of Armenia and provided support to launch an awareness raising initiative on the protection of whistleblowers. Council of Europe will work closely with the national authorities of Armenia to support the...

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Strengthening the legal framework on public funding of political parties in Armenia

27-28 November 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

The Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD) supports the national authorities of Armenia to enhance capacities in the field of prevention and fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing. To sustain further the needs of the national stakeholders in the field of...

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Steering Committee members agree on cooperation priorities under the project "Enhancing national capacities for effective prevention and fight against economic crime in Armenia"

25 October 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

The Council of Europe and the European Union, in co-operation with national partners, convened the first Technical Steering Committee (TSC) meeting of the project "Enhancing national capacities for effective prevention and fight against economic crime in Armenia". The meeting was held on 25...

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Investigators, prosecutors and analysts from Armenia are better informed on investigation and prosecution of Terrorism Financing cases

17 - 18 October 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

The Council of Europe continues to support the national authorities of Armenia to enhance capacities in the field of prevention and fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorism financing. To sustain further the training needs of the national practitioners, a 2-day training on...

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Investigators, prosecutors and analysts from Armenia improved their skills in undertaking financial investigations to detect money laundering and predicate offences

05 - 06 September 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

In an effort to further support Armenia to enhance the skills of law enforcement practitioners to investigate and prosecute economic crime cases, the Council of Europe has organized a training on Financial investigation and prosecution of Money Laundering offences, in cooperation with the...

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The Council of Europe supports the enhancement of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing National Risk Assessment Methodology of Armenia

20 - 21 April 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

The Council of Europe Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD) is supporting the Financial Monitoring Centre (FMC) of Armenia with enhancing the Methodology for conducting the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF) National Risk Assessment (NRA) of Armenia. The support aims at...

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Integrity Officers in Armenia are better informed on the application of rules of conduct for public servants

04 - 07 April 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

The Council of Europe is currently supporting the Corruption Prevention Commission (CPC) of Armenia to improve the promotion and application of the rules of conduct in regard to public servants, following the adoption of the Model Code of Conduct for Public Servants in 2022. As part of these...

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New initiatives in the field of AC, AML and assets recovery were inaugurated as part of the third phase of the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance

01 March 2023

In March 2023, the Council of Europe began the implementation of the third phase of the European Union/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance Programme (2023-2026). Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) is a regional programme, organised around country specific interventions and...

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