• Recommendations on the Draft Law on Targeted Financial Sanctions and its Alignment with the Criminal Code and Relevant International Standards, ENG / ALB
  • Guidance for conducting Strategic Analysis: Analysis and Recommendations for the FIU-Kosovo*, ENG
  • Manual for the Administration of Sequestrated or Confiscated Assets, ENG / ALB
  • Review of the Legal and Operational Framework of the Agency for the Management of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets: A needs assessment for enhanced effectiveness, ENG / ALB
  • Financing of Terrorism Typologies in Kosovo*, ENG/ALB/SRB
  • Review of Draft Administrative Instruction on Beneficial Ownership, ENG / ALB
  • Reconsideration of the Exclusive Competence of the Special Prosecution Office over Money Laundering Prosecutions, ENG / ALB
  • Combatting the financing of terrorism: Training Manual for Police, Prosecutors and Judges ENG / ALB / SRB
  • Conclusions from Webinars on Whistleblowing and Misinformation ENG
  • Operationalisation of the whistleblowing system in the Kosovo Police in view of the legal framework in force ENG / ALB / SRB
  • Legal Opinion on the Draft Law on Verification and Confiscation of Unjustified Assets ENG / ALB
  • Advice on establishment of the confiscation fund modalities in Kosovo ENG / ALB
  • Guidance on implementing anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) obligations for Legal Professionals ENG/ALB/SRB
  • Step by step guide on identification of Ultimate Beneficial Owners: Guidance for law enforcement authorities and reporting entities ENG / ALB / SRB
  • Preliminary analysis of the Kosovo’s NPOs obligations related to preventing money laundering and fighting terrorism financing ENG / ALB
  • Conducting internal controls related to AML/CFT risks: Toolkit for the NPO sector in Kosovo ENG / ALB / SRB
  • Guidance on enhancement of Anti money Laundering and Counter terrorist Financing Cooperation through sharing of supervisory responsibilities, ENG/ALB
  • An Analysis of the Draft Standard Operating Procedure for Whistleblowing in the Kosovo Police and recommendations for improvement, ENG/ALB/SRB
  • A Training Manual on Protection of Whistleblowers for police officials, ENG/ALB/SRB
  • Developing a Whistleblowing Policy for the Kosovo Police, ENG/ALB/SRB
  • Diagnostic Report on the AMSCA Database, ENG/ALB
  • Guidance on the effective use of financial intelligence in investigations and prosecution of Money Laundering (ML) and the Financing of Terrorism (FT) and associated predicate offences, ENG
  • Informative report on the AMSCA needs related to a new Asset Management Database System and Technical Specifications on AMSCA Database, ENG
  • Protection of Whistleblowers: Training Manual for Public Officials
  • Analysis of the Draft Concept Document on Legislation related to Anti Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism ENG/ALB
  • Enhancement of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing cooperation through sharing of supervisory responsibilities
  • Comparative analysis on the benefits of establishing a Confiscation Fund ENG/ALB
  • Towards a new Asset Management Database System for AMSCA: needs assessment and business requirements
  • Informative report on the AMSCA needs related to a new Asset Management Database System and Technical Specifications on AMSCA Database
  • Guidance on the effective use of financial intelligence in investigations and prosecution of Money Laundering (ML) and the Financing of Terrorism (FT) and associated predicate offences, ENG/ALB
  • An analysis of the draft Standard Operating Procedure for Whistleblowing system in the Kosovo Police and recommendations for improvement, ENG/ALB/SRB
  • Recommendations for improving the draft administrative instruction for the implementation of targeted financial sanctions by the competent authorities ENG
  • Improving Asset Recovery and Confiscation regime: recommendations for the Rule of Law Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2026 ENG/ALB
  • Recommendations for improving the draft administrative instructions for the implementation of targeted financial sanctions by the obliged entities ENG
  • Framework proposal of Sub Legal Act on Corruption Risk Assessment ENG/ALB
  • Guidelines on strengthening the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of Money Laundering cases 
  • AML/CFT supervision of obliged entities by Financial Intelligence Unit through peer-to-peer exchange: processes and tools
  • AML/CFT supervision of financial sector by Central Bank through peer to peer echange: processes and tools 
  • Analysis of Guidance for the Manner of Conducting the Administrative Investigation: recommendations for improvement ENG/ALB
  • Review of the Law on Agency for Administration of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets and proposals for the establishment of the Confiscation Fund ENG/ALB
  • Review of the Draft Law on Crypto Assets  ENG/ALB
  • Preliminary analysis of administrative procedural legal framework and its application vis-à-vis the Law on Protection of Whistleblowers ENG/ALB
  • Guidance on Cooperation between Competent Authorities regarding Targeted Financial Sanctions ENG/ALB
  • Framework proposal of Guidance on protections provided to persons submitting reporting in the public interest, the obligations of employers to protect whistleblowers from harmful acts and the whistleblowers' right to judicial protection ENG/ALB
  • Strengthening Verification and audit of asset declaration system thorugh peer to peer exchange  ENG/ALB