Back Brainstorm, role play and buzz session - Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision Staff learned new methods of training conduct

Brainstorm, role play and buzz session - Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision Staff learned new methods of training conduct

On 5-6 March training for trainers “Adult tutoring methods. Training conduct skills” was held for the staff of the Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision. The event took place at the PRAVOKATOR Legal Club under the Council of Europe Project “Continued Support to the Criminal Justice Reform in Ukraine”, funded by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark.

During the two-days training participants learned how to identify trainings among other forms of adult tutoring, build its structure and use different working methods: mini-lectures, discussions, brainstorms, role plays, case-study and buzz session. Besides, perspective trainers got new knowledge and practical skills on public presentations, managing the group dynamics and working with “difficult” participants. All participants have had a chance to become for some time a “babbler”, “doubting Thomas”, “troll”, “humorist” etc. Besides, they have systematised knowledge acquainted and learned main technics for working with participants, provocations and objections.     

Ms Yevheniia Bilan, trainer, has told about the training objectives: “Information received by the participants is important to every person despite of the work experience and whether a person will become a trainer or not. Knowledge acquainted might be used for everyday communication. These skills enable people to structure and communicate any information to any group of people”.     

“This training is very important to us with regard to further expert potential development of the free legal aid system. Coordination centre representatives trained will develop their own training sessions and transfer their knowledge further”, said Mr Serhii Kucheruk, Head of the Department of Human and Information Resources Development in Legal Aid Provision Sphere, Coordination Centre.

8 modules of 14 hours was needed to teach representatives of the Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision to inform, motivate, define security circle, explore and warm up the audience for the introductory part of their own trainings, as well as correctly systematise knowledge and skills using “world café” method for the completion of the training. Most attention was paid to the main part of the training: participants learned about David Kolb's training cycle and Honey & Mumford learning styles, as well as have learned to correctly divide the main part into blocks and apply appropriate training methods. “We managed to overcome the fear – we understood how to start developing the training session”, shared the participants at the end of the second day.    

Specific experience, consciousness, conceptualization and practical direction – henceforth, perspective trainers know what to focus on. "Very interesting training, a professional trainer and a positive reaction of the audience - colleagues are working on something they have not thought about before", said Mr Viltalii Liamichev, Head of the Department of Human and Information Resources Development in Legal Aid Provision Sphere, Coordination Centre.

The training was held unconstrainedly. 14 certified trainers received all necessary knowledge and worked on their declamatory skills and different technics for working with “difficult” participants. They had high spirits as they managed to reveal their trainer skills. “I see great potential of this group of Coordination Centre staff”, summed up the two-day work Ms Bilan.  

The two-day training was organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Continued Support to the Criminal Justice Reform in Ukraine”, funded by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark. The Project continues to support the free legal aid system development in Ukraine, in particular, by expanding the network of trainers that will further train their colleagues within the FLA system.

Kyiv, Ukraine 05-06.03.2019
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