Council of Europe concludes the four-year project on the criminal justice reform in Ukraine
A final conference organised in Kyiv on June 13, marked the official completion of the Project "Continued Support to the Reform of Criminal Justice in Ukraine", implemented by the Council of Europe starting from 2015, and funded by the Government of Denmark (the Project). The event brought...
Peer review – a guarantee of access to justice and quality assurance mechanism for legal aid
On 1-2 May 2019 the representatives of the Free Legal Aid (FLA) system in Ukraine, the National Bar Association (NBA) and civil society were studying the system of legal aid quality assurance in England and Wales. The study visit to London was organised in the framework of the Council of Europe...
The Council of Europe reinforces the transparency of the functioning of the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors
On 10 April 2019, Mårten Ehnberg, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, officially transferred to Head of the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors (QDCP), Vitalii Hrushkovskyi, the video recording equipment that will allow recording and online broadcasting the QDCP...
Brainstorm, role play and buzz session - Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision Staff learned new methods of training conduct
On 5-6 March training for trainers “Adult tutoring methods. Training conduct skills” was held for the staff of the Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision. The event took place at the PRAVOKATOR Legal Club under the Council of Europe Project “Continued Support to the Criminal Justice Reform...
Continued Support to the Criminal Justice Reform Project’s Fourth Steering Committee Meeting held in Kyiv
On 28 February 2019 the last Steering Committee Meeting of the Council of Europe Project "Continued Support to the Criminal Justice Reform in Ukraine", funded by the Danish Government, took place in Kyiv. The event gathered the Project’s beneficiaries and partners to discuss the achievements of...
500 lawyers who provide free legal aid have learned how to apply European standards in criminal proceedings
500 lawyers from all over Ukraine took part in the two-day training events "Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: Application through the Prism of the European Standards". During the 25 trainings in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv and Dnipro lawyers learned how to use European law standards for...
Disciplinary Responsibility of Prosecutors Discussed in Kyiv
On 29 January 2019 the Round Table “Disciplinary Responsibility of Prosecutors of Ukraine” was organised in Kyiv by the Centre for Policy and Legal Reform (CPLR) as part of grant projects of the Council of Europe and the European Union. Presentation of the CPLR research in the area concerned was...
Council of Europe held seminar for the staff of legal clubs «PRAVOKATOR»
On January 21 -22 in Kyiv, the Council of Europe, together with the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision, held a two-day seminar for staff of legal clubs "PRAVOKATOR" on the topic of "Criminal justice sector and mechanisms for the protection of human rights". The event took place on the...
Launch of the organisational assessment of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office
Organisational assessment of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine (PGO) was launched in December 2018 with the Council of Europe support. This comprehensive exercise will lay foundations for the enhancement of the organisational and operational effectiveness of the PGO and implementation of...
Ukrainian delegation visited Strasbourg for high-level discussions on prosecution reform in Ukraine
Since the adoption of the Public Prosecution Service Law of Ukraine 2014, important initiatives were undertaken to advance the reform of the prosecution service and to transform it into an institution compliant with the European standards. Among others, it can be mentioned the 2016 constitutional...

Office of the Council of Europe in Ukraine
8, Illinska Street, entrance 7, floor 5, Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine
+380 44 425 02 62
425 60 01 (ext. 117, 148, 162)
+380 44 425 02 62
425 60 01(ext. 111)