Back Cultural Routes : 2023-2024 Certification Cycle underway

Cultural Routes : 2023-2024 Certification Cycle underway

Applications for certification as well as regular and exceptional evaluation files were received by the Secretariat by 31st July 2023 (deadline established as per decision of the EPA Governing Board).

The current cycle focuses on the regular evaluation of nine certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the evaluation of five candidate networks applying for the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification, as well as the exceptional evaluation of one certified Cultural Route.

The Secretariat of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme has been working on the coordination of the 2023-2024 Certification Cycle since the first trimester of the year.

Certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe under regular evaluation:

  1. Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes
  2. The Hansa
  3. Via Francigena
  4. Routes of El Legado Andalusi
  5. Iron Route in the Pyrenees
  6. Routes of the Olive Tree
  7. Iter Vitis Route
  8. European Route of Historic Gardens
  9. Via Romea Germanica

Certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe under exceptional evaluation:

  1. Routes of Reformation

Candidates to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe certification:

  1. AROMAS ITINERARIUM SALUTIS - The European Route of Historical Pharmacies and Medicinal Gardens
  2. European Paganini Route
  3. European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations
  4. European Leonardo Da Vinci Ways
  5. Via Querinissima

In March 2023, the Secretariat contacted interested candidate networks and certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe under regular and exceptional evaluation to announce the launch of the 2023-2024 certification cycle.

A training seminar for networks interested in applying for the "Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe" certification under the 2023-2024 certification cycle was organised by the Secretariat on 30th June in Luxembourg, followed by individual advisory meetings with each candidate network.

Independent experts have been selected and contracted to conduct the independent evaluation of each route, including a documentary desk review, a field visit along the route and the preparation of an evaluation report to be submitted in December 2023. The selection of experts was carried out on the basis of geographic and gender balance, academic background, professional experience as well as language requirements.

The results of the independent experts’ evaluations will be discussed during the meeting of the Bureau of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) in Luxembourg on 28-29 February 2024, where the independent experts will be interviewed. Final decisions regarding the renew and award of the “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe” certification will be made by the EPA Governing Board at its annual meeting in Luxembourg in May 2024, where routes under evaluation will be auditioned.

LUXEMBOURG Autumn 2023
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