Back Routes of El Legado Andalusí: BESTMED and SMARTMED Final Conference in Granada, Spain

Routes of El Legado Andalusí: BESTMED and SMARTMED Final Conference in Granada, Spain

On 14th September, Mr. Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA) and Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes participated in the BESTMED and SMARTMED Project Final Conference in Granada, Spain.

The conference was organised by El Legado Andalusí Andalusian Public Foundation (Regional Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administration, and Interior of the Regional Government of Andalusia) and the Intermediterranean Commission of CPMR, with the support of all BEST MED & SMARTMED partners.

The conference started with the welcoming address by Ms. María de la Concepción de Santa Ana Fernández, Managing Director of the El Legado Andalusí Andalusian Public Foundation, and was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia (SmartMED lead partner), UNWTO  - Regional Department of Europe, Interreg Euro-Med programme, PanoraMED programme, Regional Tourism Agencies of Lazio and Andalucia Region among others.

BEST MED Project aims to contribute to a new integrated and sustainable touristic planning in the MEDiterranean area, notably through the development of the BEST MED Sustainable Path and Cultural Routes Model (MED S&C Path), the constitution of a Mediterranean Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (NSTO), and the set-up of the Granada Charter gathering the main policy recommendations of the project.

A memorandum of Understanding, continuing he cooperation for a smarter and more empowered Medierranean tourism among conference attendees was signed at the end of the conference.

El legado Andalusí Andalusian Public Foundation is the leader partner of the BESTMED Project. The Routes of El legado andalusí is a “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certified in 1997, crossing 6 countries: Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Portugal, and Spain.  

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