Application for certification
(2017-2018 cycle)


Each year, the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) awards the certification "Cultural Route of the Council of Europe" to cultural route network applicants fulfilling the criteria set out in Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Resolution CM/Res(2013)67.


4 candidates networks to the "Cultural Route of the Council of Europe" certification were subject to evaluation in the 2017-2018 Certification Cycle:

Responsible Network: “Eau & Lumière” Association
Headquarters: 41 boulevard Vital Bouhot, FR-92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine (FRANCE)

The Impressionisms Routes in Europe aim to create a network of sites that have inspired the European impressionists and “plein air” painters from the mid-19th century until the mid-20th century.

The Route brings together the places where they lived, the places where they established artists’ colonies and the towns which today display their work in their museums or cultural venues.

Impressionisms Routes gathers twelve European painter’s routes from France (Boudin, Guillaumin, Monet, Morisot, Pissarro, Renoir and Sisley) Germany (Bunke), Italy (the “Macchiaioli”), Netherlands (Toorop), Slovenia (Grohar), and Spain (Llorens Diaz).

Countries involved in the Network: 43 members in 6 countries: France (32), Germany (1), Italy (3), the Netherlands (2), Slovenia (1), Spain (3).

Responsible Network: Templars Route European Federation
Headquarters: 34, quai Dampierre, FR-10000 Troyes  (FRANCE)

The Templars knights order has been one of the first religious movements that put together people from different European regions, creating synergies for the accomplishment of common ideas and objectives connected to the defence of the sacred spaces.

The vocation to help others protecting important cultural heritage in Europe and the middle East has been at the base of this spiritual but also economical Christian reality.

Countries involved in the Network: 18 members in 4 countries: France (9), Italy (1), Spain (1), Portugal (7).

Responsible Network: Via Charlemagne - European Route of Legends
Headquarters: 122 bis rue du Barbâtre, FR-51100 Reims (FRANCE)

The Via Charlemagne aims to discover the historic sites linked to Charlemagne and the rich heritage of legends and traditions related to this European character.

Countries involved in the Network: 10 members in 8 countries: Belgium (2), Italy (1), Ireland (1), France (2), Germany (1), Switzerland (1), Luxembourg (1), Spain (1).

Responsible Network: European Network of Places of Peace
Headquarters: Rua da Corredoura 3, PT-7100-306 Évora Monte (PORTUGAL)

Places of Peace - The European Peace Heritage Route is an Cultural Route aiming to identify the European sites in which Peace Treaties have been signed in order to promote them for developing the spirit of peace throughout Europe.

The Peace Treaties have indeed stopped bloody wars across the Continent, redrawn the map of Europe and paved the way for political, religious and economic development periods.

Countries involved in the Network: 19 members in 9 countries: Bulgaria (4), Germany (2), Hungary (1), Netherlands (1), Portugal (5), Romania (1), Slovakia (2), Spain (1), Turkey (1).