To be awarded the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification, Cultural Routes networks must undergo an evaluation process in the framework of the annual Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Certification Cycle.  

A certification cycle lasts approximately 10 months, from the deadline for submission of the evaluation files to the Secretariat (July - Year 0) to the notification regarding the decision on the renewal or award of the certifications (June - Year +1). 

During each cycle, three types of evaluations take place:  

  • Evaluations of candidate networks applying for certification: every year candidate networks can submit an application for certification to the EPA Governing Board.  

  • Regular evaluations of certified « Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe »: Once certified, Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are required to undergo a regular evaluation every five years enabling the EPA Governing Board to ascertain whether they continue to satisfy the eligibility criteria for themes, priority fields of action and criteria for networks as well as visibility criteria. 

  • Exceptional evaluations of certified « Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe »: certified Cultural Routes whose performance has been found unsatisfactory during a regular evaluation must undergo an exceptional evaluation process during the following certification cycle.  

Year 0 

  • March

Notification letter sent by the Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe to the certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe under regular evaluation launching the certification cycle. 

Call for Applications for certification as « Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe » posted on the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) website. 

  • 31st July

Deadline for submitting the complete certification file through a dedicated Council of Europe website.  

  • August

Analysis of the documentation submitted on 31st July. Selection of independent experts by the EPA Secretariat, who are contracted to prepare the evaluation reports. 

  • September- November

Independent expert review and contact with Cultural Route management in order to verify the documentation submitted and prepare the evaluation report.  

Field visit along the route by the independent expert and meeting with the Cultural route management. Preparation of evaluation report by the independent expert. 

  • December 

Deadline for submission of the evaluation report by the independent expert to the Secretariat 

  • December -January

Examination of the evaluation report by the Secretariat and drafting of recommendations to the Bureau of the EPA Governing Board.  


Year +1

  • February

Examination of the evaluation report by the Bureau of the Enlarged Partial Agreement, experts audition where necessary, and drafting of recommendations to the EPA Governing Board.  

  • March

Sending of expert reports to certified and candidate routes along with any requests for further information from the Bureau. Invitation to present the Cultural Route during the EPA Governing Board meeting. 

  • May

Governing board meeting.   

Examination of the evaluation report and of the recommendations of the EPA Bureau to the EPA Governing Board.  

Audition of certified Cultural Routes under regular evaluation and candidate routes applying for certification. Decision concerning the renewal / award of the certification. 

  • June

Notification letter sent by the EPA Secretariat to the auditioned Cultural Routes concerning the renewal of the certification of their network as “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”.  

Notification letter sent by the EPA Secretariat to the auditioned candidates concerning the results of their application for certification of their network as “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”.