"Cultural Route of the Council of Europe" certified in 2004


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the most influential figures in the history of music and of Western culture as a whole. For most of his life he travelled throughout Europe to enhance his education, learn about other styles and establish contacts with other performers and composers. Although he died at the early age of 35, Mozart was on tour for over 10 years. In essence, he spent one third of his life on journeys and can be described as the first truly European personality, in and beyond the field of music.



All of the journeys made by Mozart from 1762 to 1791 were documented on the basis of the Mozart correspondence and other authentic documents and can be followed by the traveller. From the initiatory tour, which took the young Mozart from Salzburg to Munich, to his last voyage from Vienna to Prague, a broad part of Europe is covered, spanning 10 countries and over 200 sites. Along the tourism itineraries, there are dozens of opportunities for artistic, cultural, educational and academic activities that allow the traveller to discover one of the most fascinating musicians of all time.


Travelling today

Palaces and piazzas, pleasure gardens, inns and hotels, concert halls and opera houses, cities, churches and landscapes: there is no better way to learn about and experience Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's life and music than by retracing his footsteps through Europe, visiting some of the most significant music, art and architectural venues of Europe's cultural heritage.

Photo Credits: ©Anastasia Petrova/Shutterstock

Council of Europe values

Music is a common language that unites all people. This route accordingly helps preserve the cultural heritage around its key figure and also enhances intercultural dialogue. The cities Mozart visited work together to promote knowledge of this unique musician and to reinforce the idea of a shared European identity in artistic, scholarly, touristic and educational projects.


Association of the European Mozart Ways
Sigmund Haffnergasse 3, 1st Floor
AT-5020 Salzburg (AUSTRIA)

Maria MAJNO, President
Gerhard SPITZ, Secretary General
Tel: +43 (0) 699 112 80 216


Official Website

European Mozart Ways

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