Heritage covers a broad range of occupations with a variety of roles and levels of skills and qualifications requiring many different techniques. It creates many cross sectoral jobs, especially related to tourism, trade, research and education, in the public, private and voluntary spheres.

 Recommended courses of action for D2

  • Support relations between the heritage sector and the bodies in charge of the economy and employment
  • Use the heritage sector to promote vocational integration and re-integration
  • Facilitate access by very small and small and medium-sized enterprises to public procurement
  • Inform the public and tax payers, elected representatives and decision makers about the economic and social impacts of heritage
  • Support ministerial heritage departments responsible for research and skill maintenance
  • Introduce intersectoral policies enabling heritage to make a contribution to other sectors
  • Support the development of cultural heritage with services and work which are based on research and know-how

 Good practices for D2