Back Argentina: Regional Conference for Specialized Prosecution Services on Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence

The Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Government of Argentina, organized a regional conference in Buenos Aires for specialized prosecutors on cybercrime and electronic evidence from Mexico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Panamá, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.

The event was aimed at exchanging best practices and experiences, as well as promoting regional mechanisms of Mutual Legal Assistance in criminal matters between countries. Experts deployed by the Council of Europe, OAS and from the USDoJ shared their knowledge in topics such as transborder access to data, challenges of investigations in the Darknet and in cryptocurrencies, tools for digital forensic analysis, or international cooperation mechanisms.

Argentina has been invited by the Council of Europe to accede to the Budapest Convention and consequently to became a Party.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 29-31 May 2017
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T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
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