Back CyberCrime EAP III: Second Regional Meeting

Minsk, Belarus , 

On 19-20 September, the Council of Europe Cybercrime Programme Office will hold a Second Regional Meeting of the Cybercrime@Eastern Partnership III Project in Minsk, Belarus, which will focus on issues of public-private cooperation in cybercrime and electronic evidence.

The Regional Meeting is a follow-up to the Launching event of the Cybercrime@EAP III project that was held in April 2016 in Kyiv, Ukraine, and introduced the country project teams from all six Eastern Partnership states to the main concepts and requirements of public-private cooperation in cybercrime, as well as set the project workplan for in-country events throughout 2016.

The Second Regional meeting will take some of the concepts and issues of the project further, with particular discussions on current best practices of public-private cooperation, works of the Cybercrime Convention Committee on the related standards involving multinational service providers, development of the online cooperation platform for the project stakeholders from the government and the industry, and specific issues of legal regulations, cybersecurity community involvement and authorities for electronic communications regulations in the Eastern Partnership states.

One of the central themes for the meeting would be presentation of the main findings of the study on public-private cooperation in the Eastern Partnership, which was undertaken in April to August 2016 with study visits to each of the project countries. The meeting will also discuss and adopt the detailed workplan for numerous in-country and international activities of the project for the remainder of 2016 and further in 2017.

Experts from Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Romania and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” will contribute with their experience and ideas to the event.



 General Report on mapping the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of public/private cooperation on cybercrime in the Eastern Partnership

EAP III: fighting cybercrime movie


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

Programme Assistant

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