Back GLACY+: Workshop on Developing Cybercrime and E-Evidence Training Strategies for Mauritius

GLACY+: Workshop on Developing Cybercrime and E-Evidence Training Strategies for Mauritius

On 27 May, INTERPOL, in its capacity as implementing partner of the GLACY+ Project, organized a Workshop on Developing Cybercrime and E-Evidence Training Strategies in Mauritius.

During the workshop, the INTERPOL experts provided practical advice on scoping a cybercrime and digital forensics training strategy as well as the steps to be taken in developing a strategic framework for training. The workshop also provided an opportunity to participants to learn about the available law enforcement international training resources.

The activity brought together officials from specialized units in charge of cybercrime investigations and digital forensics, units in charge of planning law enforcement training curriculums and strategies, Police Academies/schools responsible for training of police officers, and offices in charge of developing and delivering training courses.

Mauritius has been a Party to the Budapest Convention since 2013 and was the first African country to accede to the Convention and therefore since 2014, it has been benefitting from the support provided by the GLACY and the GLACY+ Projects.

 GLACY+ Project

 GLACY Project

 Budapest Convention


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