Back iPROCEEDS: Performance Review Workshops

Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina , 

The Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe targeting crime proceeds on the internet in South Eastern Europe and Turkey - iPROCEEDS is to be completed in December 2019. In this context, it started the assessment visits to review and measure progress made in achieving results in each seven project areas, throughout project implementation from 2016 to 2019.

The visits are organised in the form of workshops and are based on a questionnaire, the initial situation report and the logical framework (with a special emphasis on the indicators).

The first three workshops are taking place from 14 to 17 October 2019 in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Representatives of the Cybercrime Unit, Financial Investigation Unit, Prosecutor’s Office, Financial Intelligence Unit, Ministry of Justice and Judicial Academies are attending the discussions. Information and data gathered during the meeting will serve as a baseline to review results, measure the performance and draft the final progress reports.


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

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