Back iPROCEEDS: Obtaining Electronic Evidence from Network Investigations

Buhcarest, Romania , 

In order to obtain electronic evidence from a network, the law enforcement authorities need solid knowledge of network architecture, network devices and protocols and the ability to understand the large volumes of log data.

In the framework of the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe - iPROCEEDS, in cooperation with the Romania Police Academy, a 5-day intensive technical training is run on specifically designed infrastructure and software environment from 11 to 15 February 2019 in Bucharest, Romania, by the team of ECTEG experts from Germany and Romania.

During one week, 16 law enforcement officers from the South-eastern Europe and Turkey, including Romania, will get familiar with the subject and practice of network investigations in criminal investigations and will enhance their skills for dealing with cases requiring this particular expertise in execution of international cooperation requests.

Mr. Skender ABEDINI, Unit for control and forensics for IT, Kosovo* Police, noted:

We have done a lot of practical exercises and I have learned new investigation techniques. We have been taught about the techniques for Linux and Apple OS. This training will help me in my daily work and I am looking forward to sharing the knowledge gained here with my colleagues.


The Police Commissioner, Assoc.Prof. Director of the Department of Behavioural Sciences Faculty, Police Academy, Mr. Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI, added:

The information received during this training will be used for updating the course "Computer Systems Security" and for improving the courses organized within the Romanian Centre of Excellence for Cybercrime (CYBEREX) for prosecutors, judges and police officers. Ideas presented during the training will be cited at the annual workshop "Challenges and Opportunities in the Cyberspace" organized by the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy.



*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

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