Back Serbia: iPROCEEDS assessment visit on criminal money flows on the Internet

Belgrade, Serbia , 

An assessment visit on criminal money flows on the Internet as well as on the legislative and practical capabilities to respond to the threats and trends regarding cybercrime and money laundering started in Belgrade, Serbia, on April 14th, 2016. It lasted 2 days and aimed to gather information on the:

  • presence and performance of the reporting systems (with preventive functions) on online fraud and other cybercrime;
  • current state of legislation on search, seizure and confiscation of cybercrime proceeds and the prevention of money laundering on the Internet;
  • institutional criminal justice framework concerning cybercrime, financial investigation and search, seizure and confiscation of online crime proceeds, including the interagency cooperation of the relevant entities in the search, seizure and confiscation of online crime proceeds;
  • existing measures and controls used by the financial sector to mitigate money laundering risks and control online fraud and criminal money flows;
  • current practices and the functioning of mechanisms for information sharing and intelligence exchange between financial sector institutions (including processing centres), cybercrime units and other stakeholders on cybercrime and criminal money flows;
  • state of judicial and law enforcement training on cybercrime and electronic evidence, and related financial investigations and anti-money laundering measures;
  • current status of international cooperation between cybercrime units, financial investigation units, FIUs, and prosecution services in the light of international standards such as Chapter III of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, Chapter IV of the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on Financing of Terrorism, and the Recommendations 36-40 of the FATF, and other relevant international instruments in criminal matters, arrangements agreed on basis of uniform or reciprocal legislation, and domestic laws.

Similar visits will be carried out in the other iPROCEEDS countries in the coming weeks:

April 18 – 19 – Podgorica, Montenegro (Agenda)
April 21 – 22 – Skopje, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, (Agenda)
May 5 – 6 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, (Agenda)
May 9 – 10 – Tirana, Albania, (Agenda)
May 12 – 13 – Ankara, Turkey, (Agenda)
May 19 – 20 – Pristina, Kosovo⃰ , (Agenda)

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

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