Back Towards a Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime: additional stakeholder consultations

Towards a Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime: additional stakeholder consultations

The Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) invites interested stakeholders to submit written comments on the draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention by 2 May 2021 and/or to participate in an online meeting on 6 May 2021.

While stakeholders previously submitted contributions or participated in discussions on individual articles, the first complete draft of the Protocol is now available, including the chapter on safeguards. Some sections of the Explanatory Report are still under preparation.

The T-CY has much appreciated contributions received in the previous five rounds of consultations. Many of them have been taken into account in the operative text or have led to additional clarifications in the Explanatory Report.

The drafters consider that, as a result, the current draft reconciles (a) the need for an effective criminal justice response to strengthen the rule of law and protect victims and their rights, and (b) the need for strong human rights and rule of law safeguards, including for the protection of personal data. As is the case with the Budapest Convention, the measures in the Protocol are designed for specific criminal investigations only.

The provisions of this Protocol will be of operational and policy benefit and will ensure that the Budapest Convention continues to stand for a free Internet where governments meet their obligation to protect individuals and their rights in cyberspace.

The preparation of the 2nd Additional Protocol commenced in September 2017 to address criminal justice challenges in cyberspace and provide for more effective cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence. It is expected that the Protocol will be finalized and adopted in the course of 2021.

Stakeholders intending to participate in the online meeting on 6 May 2021 may send a request to register to the T-CY Secretariat by 30 April.

Strasbourg, France 14 April 2021
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23rd T-CY Plenary (30 November 2020)

7th Protocol Drafting Plenary (1-3 December 2020)


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

Contact the Secretariat