relevant resources
(available upon registration on the Octopus Community platform)
- Criminal justice access to data in the cloud: cooperation with "foreign" service providers, Council of Europe/T-CY(2016)2, May 2016
- Templates:
- Mutual Legal Assistance Request for subscriber information (Art. 31)
- Data Preservation Request (Art. 29 and 30)
Projects implemented by the Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC)
conference content
Day 1
- The Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Christel DE CRAIM, Vice-Chair of the Lanzarote Convention Committee
- European legal frameworks for online investigations into dark web criminality, Mieke DE VLAMINCK, Judicial Cooperation Advisor, Eurojust for Europe
- Project DarkTOOLS, Rolf van WEGBERG, Cybercrime researcher, TNO and Delft University of Technology
- Factsheet: Examining the effects of operation Bayonet on Dream Market, Rolf van WEGBERG, TNO
- Cybercrime overview, Kamola IBRAGIMOVA, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, UNODC
Day 2
- Online investigations: Darknet and online sexual violence against children, Rajka VLAHOVIC and Christian AGHROUM, Council of Europe experts
- Preparing, receiving, responding to formal requests from foreign authorities to obtain e-evidence, Christan AGHROUM
- Current practices on obtaining evidence from other countries; Role of the 24/7 Point of Contact, Rajka VLAHOVIC and Christian AGHROUM
- The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, Wouter VEENSTRA, Manager Global Outreach and Partnerships, GFCE Secretariat
- Practical tips related to requesting e-evidence from ISPs, Robert LAID, Judicial Cooperation Advisor, Eurojust
- Conference overview and conclusions, Rajka VLAHOVIC and Christian AGHROUM
Case studies
- The "Lobo feroz" case, Nubia VARGAS , Asesora Dirección de Asuntos Internacionales and Óscar MENDOZA, Jefe Contra la Explotación Sexual Infantil, Colombia
- The “Riño” case, Angie TREJOS VARGAS, Fiscal, Ministerio Público, Costa Rica
- Online investigations: Darkweb and online child abuse, Niwate ARPAWASIN, Deputy Police Commander, Thai Police, Thailand
- Challenges and gaps for international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting OSEC in Asia, Lolita L. LOMANTA, Senior Assistant Provincial Prosecutor, Department of Justice, Philipines
- La coopération internationale : Defis, obstacles et contraintes en Afrique, Mandiaye NIANG, Directeur des affaires criminelles et des grâces, Ministère de la Justice, Senegal