Back CyberSouth: Extended commitment from priority countries during the Fifth Steering Committee

CyberSouth: Extended commitment from priority countries during the Fifth Steering Committee

The fifth Steering Committee meeting of CyberSouth project was organised on-line, jointly by the Council of Europe and European Commission, on the 10th of December 2020, with the participation of the main stakeholders from the priority countries Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia and the project partners from Romanian and French National Police forces.

The meeting was the occasion to review the progress made within the project for the period of June to December 2020 and to validate the next project work plan. During the assessed period, a number of 29 activities have been implemented, for the benefit of the criminal justice authorities from the priority countries, focusing mostly on cybercrime legislation reinforcement, capacities development for the specialised units dealing with cybercrime and e-evidence, judicial training mainstreaming and the enhancement of international cooperation. 

The priority countries took an active role during the meeting, by expressing their views on the activities’ value and extending their commitment and ownership for the further project’s implementation. The next CyberSouth Steering Committee meeting will take place in June 2021.

online activity 10 December 2020
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