First Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems (ETS No. 189)

  Official text and translations

  Booklets: Convention and Protocols

  Good practice study

The Good Practice Study on Implementing the First Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on Xenophobia and Racism includes an overview of good practices and challenges regarding criminal justice action against online xenophobia and racism, as well as recommendations for further action:

  Read the Good practice study


The international community has made important progress in the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Yet, the desire for a world free of racial hatred and bias remains only partly fulfilled. As technological, commercial and economic developments bring the peoples of the world closer together, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance continue to exist in our societies. Modern and powerful means to support racism and xenophobia enable certain people to disseminate easily and widely expressions containing such ideas. In order to investigate and prosecute such persons, international co-operation is vital. The Convention on Cybercrime (ETS 185) was drafted to enable mutual assistance concerning computer related crimes in the broadest sense in a flexible and modern way. The purpose of this Protocol is twofold: firstly, harmonising substantive criminal law in the fight against racism and xenophobia on the Internet and, secondly, improving international co-operation in this area.

This Protocol entails an extension of the Cybercrime Convention’s scope, including its substantive, procedural and international cooperation provisions, so as to cover also offences of racist or xenophobic propaganda. Thus, apart from harmonising the substantive law elements of such behaviour, the Protocol aims at improving the ability of the Parties to make use of the means and avenues of international cooperation set out in the Convention (ETS No. 185) in this area.

[VIDEO] The First Additional Protocol explained

  Watch the video in: ENFR | ES


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 Bosnia and Herzegovina














 North Macedonia




 Moldova (Republic of)


 San Marino








Programme of activities for the 20th anniversary of the First Additional Protocol