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GLACY+: Webinar on Effective Access to Electronic Evidence: towards a new Protocol to the Budapest Convention

The webinar on "Effective Access to Electronic Evidence: towards a new Protocol to the Budapest Convention", held on November 9th, 2020, was a joint initiative of the Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC) of the Council of Europe and the International Association of Prosecutors.

During the 2 hours webinar, the panelists discussed about the challenges of international cooperation for access to electronic evidence and the risks to rule of law associated with these. The current proposals on solutions aimed at more effective and efficient access to electronic evidence, including the future 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention have also been discussed.

The webinar was open for participation for judges and prosecutors from countries of Europe, Africa, the Americas and Asia Pacific and attracted a broad audience of almost 300 people who actively engaged in the Q&A sessions and contributed to the views and experiences exchange. The event was organized under the Global Action on Cybercrime Extended (GLACY+) project of the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

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