International cooperation to prevent, investigate and prosecute cybercrime using emerging technologies: challenges and opportunities



 REGISTRATION OPEN                     

  • Ines GONCALVES FERREIRA, Legal and Ethics Fellow, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)
  • Javier ZARAGOZA TEJADA, Spanish prosecutor specialised in cybercrime, Coordinating legal consellour (Law Clerk) in criminal Law for the Spanish Constitutional Court
  • Jonathan POLANKSY, Legal advisor at the Attorney General's Office of Argentina
  • Hein DRIES, CEO Vigilo Consult and Key Expert for OCWAR-C project
  • Emre TINAZTEPE, CEO, Binalyze
  • Pablo LÓPEZ-AGUILAR BELTRAN, Director of Cybersecurity, LOCARD Project / APWG.EU
  • Dong Uk KIM, Specialized Officer, GLACY+ Project Manager, Cybercrime Directorate, INTERPOL


   Date and time

  • Thursday, 28 April 2022 | 16:00 CEST

  Duration and format

  • 2h | Roundtable discussion. The webinar will be recorded.


  • Policymakers responsible for cybercrime policies and legislation;
  •  representatives in charge of cooperation with LEAs;
  • criminal justice practitioners and representatives of the private sector. 

  Language: English