Back iPROCEEDS: New training courses on Online Crime Proceeds available on the Octopus Community

Bucharest, Romania , 

Within the iPROCEEDS project, new training materials for judges and prosecutors have been developed on the search, seizure and confiscation of online crime proceeds. The concept of targeting online crime proceeds presented in this training course brings together the approaches of cybercrime, financial and money laundering investigations with the purpose of increasing efficiency and success of criminal investigations and criminal proceedings from the perspective of both prosecuting a criminal and targeting proceeds of crime.

The “Basic Course on the Search, Seizure and Confiscation of Online Crime Proceeds” is ready for use in English, while the "Introductory training module on cybercrime, electronic evidence and online crime proceeds" can be accessed in English, Albanian, Serbian, Macedonian and Turkish.

Training packs consists of a Training Manual and Resource Pack for Trainers, Presentations and the Course Timetable.

The packs are available to the members of the Octopus Community only. In order to get access to the online tool, a registration form shall be filled in here.


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

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