This year’s Octopus Conference will provide a focus on celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the Cybercrime Programme Office     (C-PROC), looking at its impact and the new tools we now have available in matters of securing and sharing electronic evidence.

For the third time in the history of Octopus Conferences, the Council of Europe will be featuring a Lightning Talks session, during which speakers will briefly present innovative ideas in the field of cybercrime.

A lightning talk is a very short presentation for about 5 minutes. Several lightning talks will be delivered by different speakers in a single session. 

Lightning Talks

  14 December   




 EN – FR – ES

 16h00 – 18h00 CET+1


​​​​​ 5-minute presentations

 1 slide only

 4-minute Q&A from the public

 individual or joint presentations across professional categories

This year's themes
This year's themes include:
  • e-evidence of war crimes
  • artificial intelligence 
  • women in cyber
  • online child abuse
  • cyber diplomacy
  • public-private co-operation
Jacqueline Fick
Jacqueline Fick CEO, VizStrat Solutions, South Africa
Adriana Freitas
Adriana Freitas Director Responsible for Research Projects, APWG.EU
Alexandra Michota
Alexandra Michota ICT Auditor at Hellenic Data Protection Authority | Women4Cyber Greece Vice-President.
Andreja Mihailovic
Andreja Mihailovic PhD - Executive Academic Board Member at ESDC | Teaching Associate University of Montenegro | Guest Lecturer University College Cork on Cybercrime W4C Montenegro President
Cherie Adhiambo Oyier
Cherie Adhiambo Oyier Programs Officer-Women's Digital Rights , Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) and Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Costanza Matteuzzi
Costanza Matteuzzi Lawyer expert in cyber law, cybercrime and Data Protection | Board members of Women4Cyber Italy, of Counsel Area Legale, Member of Tsurugi Linux
Daniela Rodriguez
Daniela Rodriguez IT Officer, Ministry of Justice
Ekaterina Dorodnykh
Ekaterina Dorodnykh Evaluation Specialist, UN Women
Elena Drago
Elena Drago W4C Chapter Coordinator, Women4Cyber, Author at OSORIN
Ilvana Dedja
Ilvana Dedja Researcher, Sense Cyber Research Center
Ioanna Lekea
Ioanna Lekea Assistant Professor, Hellenic Air Force Academy - Department of Aeronautical Sciences - War Games Laboratory
Matteo Lucchetti
Matteo Lucchetti Director of Cyber 4.0, Italy
Patrick Penninckx
Patrick Penninckx Head of Information Society Department, Council of Europe
Pavlos Topalnakos
Pavlos Topalnakos Supreme Court Attorney-at-Law, Dr. jur. AUTH Researcher, War Games Laboratory of the Hellenic Air Force Academy
Roberto Contreras
Roberto Contreras Lawyer, Public Ministry of Chile / University of Chile
Ryan LIM Yi Hern
Ryan LIM Yi Hern Deputy Public Prosecutor | Crime Division, Attorney-General's Chambers
Tuomas Tammilehto
Tuomas Tammilehto R&D Specialist, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Yi Hon
Yi Hon Senior Director, Attorney-General's Chambers
Yuko Yokoyama
Yuko Yokoyama Program Director, ICANN
Submit your proposals here

 Submit your proposals here    


Octopus Conferences