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Improving international cooperation on cybercrime in the Eastern Partnership region

The CyberCrime@EAP II Project was launched at the regional meeting on “Improving international Cooperation on Cybercrime in the Eastern Partnership Region” in Bucharest, Romania from 9 to 11 September 2015. More than 40 criminal justice officials and experts on cybercrime discussed solutions and specific steps to be taken in the six Eastern Partnership (EAP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) regarding cybercrime and the challenges related to  electronic evidence.  Closer cooperation between 24/7 points of contact for police-to-police cooperation and representatives of Ministries of Justice and prosecution services responsible for mutual legal assistance was a direct outcome of the meeting.  The Governments of Romania, Estonia, Germany, the USA and EUROPOL have pledged their support as mentors and partners in this project.

Save the Date for the next meeting - Tbilisi, Georgia

Bucharest 16/09/2015
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