Workshop 12: Online xenophobia and racism v. freedom of expression

  15 December 2023

  EN – FR – ES – RO

  11h30 – 13h00 CET+1


With online hate speech – including racism and xenophobia – on the rise, societies are struggling with an effective response that also respects the fundamental right of the freedom of expression. A broad range of measures may be taken to address hate speech online (see the Council of Europe Recommendation on Hate Speech adopted in 2022). In this spectrum of measures, criminal law is an important last resort. In 2003, the First Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime was opened for signature, addressing the “criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems” (ETS No. 189). In connection with the twentieth anniversary of this Protocol, a good practice study was undertaken on the experience of this treaty. The workshop aims to present findings of this study, to provide further guidance and to discuss challenges in addressing xenophobia and racism committed online while respecting the right to freedom of expression.

Moderator and rapporteur
Jamila Akaaga Ade
Jamila Akaaga Ade Assistant Director, Head of the Cyber Crime Unit, Department of Public Prosecutions, Federal Ministry of Justice, Nigeria
Antonio PIÑA
Antonio PIÑA Magistrate, General Council of the Judiciary, Spain
Esther Agelan
Esther Agelan Board Member, International Association of Women Judges, Dominican Republic
Fernanda Teixeira Domingos
Fernanda Teixeira Domingos Federal Prosecutor, Coordinator of the Advisory Group on cybercrime at the criminal chamber of the Federal Prosecution Service of Brazil
Jan Kralik
Jan Kralik Programme Manager, Cybercrime Programme Office, Council of Europe
Steven Gatembu Kairu
Steven Gatembu Kairu Justice of Appeal, "Court of Appeal Judiciary", Kenya

  • Address: 2-4 Izvor Street, Bucharest, Romania
  • Floor: TBC
  • Room: TBC

      Practical information

More information

 If you have any questions related to this workshop, please contact the Octopus Conference Secretariat