Workshop 8: Regional workshop for Pacific: Challenges in implementing cybercrime laws in small jurisdictions in the Pacific

  15 December 2023


  9h30 – 11h00 CET+1


Robust legal frameworks on cybercrime and electronic evidence are the cornerstone for successful investigations and criminal proceedings. International standards, such as the Budapest Convention, provide a framework for consistent definitions and criminalisation, standardised procedural powers and mechanisms for international cooperation. The absence of transposing such measures into national laws undermines a country’s ability to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate cases involving electronic evidence and to engage in the global efforts to effectively respond to the emerging challenges presented by cybercrime.

Small jurisdictions, such as the Pacific Island States, may encounter additional challenges to adopting and adapting appropriate laws, considering their specific legal, administrative, and technical contexts.

The workshop is aimed at mapping those challenges and possible solutions based on successful practices in the region.

Moderator and rapporteur
Noumea Loretta Afamasaga-Teueli
Noumea Loretta Afamasaga-Teueli Head of Legislative Drafting, Department for Justice and Border Control, Nauru
Matthew Blackwood
Matthew Blackwood ICHIP, US Department of Justice
Linda Folaumoetu’i
Linda Folaumoetu’i Attorney General of Tonga and Chair of the PILON Cybercrime Working Group
Jamie Crawford
Jamie Crawford Senior Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office of the Cook Islands, in representation of the Pacific Islands Law Officers Network (PILON)
Andrew Ega Kelesi
Andrew Ega Kelesi Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Solomon Islands
Domingo Kabunare
Domingo Kabunare Digital Transformation Office, Ministry of Information, Communications and Transport, Kiribati
Glenys Andrews
Glenys Andrews Legal Principal & Officer (Drafting), Office of the Attorney General, Fiji
John Graham Jack
John Graham Jack CIO Office of the Government, Prime Minister's Office Vanuatu


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  • Coming soon

  • Address: 2-4 Izvor Street, Bucharest, Romania
  • Floor: TBC
  • Room: TBC

      Practical information

More information

 If you have any questions related to this workshop, please contact the Octopus Conference Secretariat