Dong Uk KIM
Specialized Officer, INTERPOL Cybercrime, GLACY+ Project
Cybersecurity Expert, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
Senior Researcher, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), and Director Centre of Expertise Cybersecurity, Hague University of Applied Sciences
Youngjin SONG
Professor, International Cybercrime Research Center, Korean National Police University
Emmanuel KESSLER
Head of Team Prevention and Outreach, EC3, the Cybercrime Centre of Europol
Officer in Cybersecurity, Operational Cooperation Unit, ENISA
Linkedin@Georgios Chatzichristos
Deputy Chief (Cyber), Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, National Security Division, United States Department of Justice
- Financially motivated cybercriminal networks, Rutger Leukfeldt
- The view of the private sector, Aisling Kelly
- State supported cybercrime and the US criminal justice response, Sean Newell
- List of threat groups by MITRE ATT&CK
- List of Advanced Persistent Threat Groups (ATPs) by FireEye
- The Register of Known Spam Operations database - SPAMHAUS ROKSO List
- Newspaper article - Angriff auf Bundestag: Haftbefehl gegen russischen Hacker
- Journal Atricle - Hutchings, A., Holt, T. J. (2018). Interviewing cybercrime offenders. 2018
- Journal Article - Hadzhidimova, Lora I. and Payne, Brian K. (2019) The profile of the international cyber offender in the U.S., International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence & Cybercrime
- Journal Article : Rai, M., & Mandoria, H. (2019). A study on cyber crimes cyber criminals and major security breaches
- Chapter in Book: Pastrana S., Hutchings A., Caines A., Buttery P. (2018) Characterizing Eve: Analysing Cybercrime Actors in a Large Underground Forum. In: Bailey M., Holz T., Stamatogiannakis M., Ioannidis S. (eds) Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses. RAID 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11050. Springer, Cham.
- Chapter in book - Hutchings A. & Chua Y. T. (2017). Gendering cybercrime. In Cybercrime through an interdisciplinary lens (1st ed.), Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
- Journal Article - Lusthaus, J. (2013). How organised is organised cybercrime? Global Crime, 14(1), 52–60
- Book - Leukfeldt, E.R. (ed) (2017) Research Agenda: The Human Factor in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity. The Hague: Eleven International Publishers