Cybercrime victims

  18 November

  English, French, Spanish
  9:00 to 10:50 CET
 Download the full agenda

Cybercrime is an increasingly technologically advanced and fast-growing type of crime. It is extremely costly, allegedly impacts very large number of victims, and is psychologically impactful, which makes the effects of victimization in cyberspace hard to quantify. There is limited understanding of who the victims (individuals and organisations) are and how cybercrime affects different categories of victims. Compared to traditional crime, cyber victimization entails elements of accessibility (perpetrators can reach significant number of victims), anonymity, and thus limited detectability (sometimes victims are not even aware they have been victimized), and is also hard to constrain, due to the astonishing speed with which data is shared and how volatile possible evidence is. 

In this workshop we will explore who are the cybercrime victims (individuals and organisations) and look into the criminal justice response but also alternative remedies (such as restorative justice) available to them.



Dr Jeffrey DEMARCO

Assistant Director Knowledge and Insight

Victim Support UK


Miriam Bahamonde BLANCO

Senior Prosecutor

Adviser of the Directorate General for International Legal Cooperation and Human Rights

Ministry of Justice of Spain


Prof Jan Van DIJK

Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement

Prof Dr Marianne JUNGER

University of Twente

Ricardo Salgueiro Dos Santos Fernandes ESTRELA

Portuguese Safer Internet Helpline Operational Manager

Portuguese Association for Victim Support


Cybersecurity Officer in Capacity Building Unit

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity


Deputy-Director, Technology & Analysis

Criminal Law Police Section

Department of Justice Canada

Emanuela BIFFI

Projects & Events Officer

European Forum for Restorative Justice

