Back 62nd Meeting of the Bureau of the Committee of Convention 108

62nd Meeting of the Bureau of the Committee of Convention 108

The Bureau of the Committee of Convention 108 held its 62nd meeting on 11-12 September 2024 in Venice.  The Bureau discussed operational changes linked to the entry into force of amending Protocol CETS No. 223 and continued its work on Interpretation of Article 11 of the modernised Convention,  and discussed the first draft of the Guidelines Draft Guidelines on Data Protection in the context of neurosciences. The Bureau agreed to propose to the plenary to organise a tour de table on the actual and planned use of Model Contractual Clauses and to have a discussion on the need to develop more tools or instruments by the committee. The Bureau also encouraged the Secretariat to set up a forum on interoperability. The Bureau also received an expert presentation on Large Language Models and privacy issues and decided to propose working on the topic in the context of Privacy Enhancing technologies and Large Language Models (LLMs) as a new standard setting activity.

The Bureau congratulated the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) on the opening of the signature of the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Vilnius, Lithuania on 5 September 2024.

Venice 12 September 2024
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