Back Greece becomes the 32nd and Monaco the 33rd state to ratify Convention 108+

Greece becomes the 32nd and Monaco the 33rd state to ratify Convention 108+

An excellent week for the protection of privacy and personal data: Greece (5 March) and Monaco (6 March) ratified the “Protocol amending the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (CETS No. 223)” - also known as “Convention 108+” - thereby becoming the 32nd and 33rd Parties, respectively.

Once it has obtained 38 ratifications, Convention 108+ will enter into force.

Convention 108+ is a key instrument in protecting privacy globally, setting the highest level of protection of private life in the digital age and facilitating the free flow of data worldwide. The treaty sets out principles for the protection of personal data that are easily adaptable and promote cooperation and mutual respect among States.

Strasbourg 5-6 March 2025
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