Belgium became member of the Council of Europe on 5 May 1949. It is a founder member of the Organisation.

Convention 108 Signed 07/05/82
  Ratified 28/05/93
Convention 108+ Signed 10/10/2018
National Constitution   Art.22, 1970 Constitution
Specific National Legislation  

Law on Protection of Personal Data
Law of implementation of directive 95/46/EC
Decree on Enactment of Law on Protection of Personal Data

Loi relative à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard des traitements de données à caractère personnel, adoptée le 30 juillet 2018

Enacted   08/12/92
Scope Manual Processing Yes

Non Natural person No

Public or private sector Both
Registration or Notification   All data
Special Authorisation for Exportation   Some data
Data Protection Authority

  Commission for the protection of privacy
Commission de la Protection de la vie privée
139, Rue Haute B – 1000 BRUXELLES
Tel: 32 2 213 85 40 Fax: 32 2 213 85 53
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