Switzerland became the 17th member State of the Council of Europe on 6 May 1963.

Convention 108 Signed 02/10/97
  Ratified 02/10/97
Convention 108+ Signed 21/11/2019
National Constitution   Art. 13, 1999 Constitution
Ordinances:OLPD, OALSP
Specific National Legislation  

Federal Data Protection Act
Ordinances:OLPD, OALSP

Loi fédérale sur la protection des données (LPD) du 25 septembre 2020

Enacted   19/06/92
Ordinances adopted 14/06/93
Scope Manual Processing Yes

Non Natural person Yes

Public or private sector Both
Registration or Notification   Some Data
Special Authorisation for Exportation   Some Data
Data Protection Authority

  The Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner
Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter (EDÖB) Préposé fédéral à la protection des données et à la transparence (PFPDT)
Feldeggweg 1 CH - 3003 BERNE
Tel: +41 31 322 43 95 / Fax: +41 31 325 99 96
Email: jean-philippe.walter@edoeb.admin.ch
Website: www.edoeb.admin.ch/