Newsroom of DG Democracy and Human Dignity
Empowering Learners for a Democratic Future: Launch of the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education 2025
How to empower learners for a democratic future? How to equip all learners with the necessary skills, values, attitudes and knowledge to navigate effectively in the digital environment? The Council of Europe is organising the launch conference of the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education...
Roberto Cicutto to succeed Catherine Trautmann in 2025
At its most recent plenary session, the Board of Management elected Roberto Cicutto to chair the Eurimages Fund from 1st January 2025. This Italian producer, who has been working in the film industry for over 40 years, was also President and CEO of Istituto Luce - Cinecittà from 2009 to 2020,...
The Luxembourg Presidency of the Committee of Ministers and the Council of Europe to hold a conference “No culture – No democracy
In 2024, the Council of Europe celebrates the 70th anniversary of the European Cultural Convention. The Luxembourg Presidency of the Committee of Ministers has elected to anchor culture as one of the priorities of its Presidency and will host a high level conference titled "No Culture. No...
Council of Europe highlights global child protection efforts at the WeProtect Global Alliance Summit
Director General of Democracy and Human Dignity of the Council of Europe, Marja Ruotanen, showcased the organisation's child protection initiatives at the WeProtect Global Alliance Summit in Abu Dhabi (4-5 December 2024). This landmark event brought together over 600 multidisciplinary...
Statement by Secretary General Alain Berset
Governments can do more to stop violence against women by using the Istanbul Convention’s definition of rape
“One decade since the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) entered into force, much progress has been made, but too many European countries still do not define rape in line with treaty guidelines. “The Istanbul...
Council of Europe participates in the 1st Global Ministerial Conference on ending violence against children
At the 1st Global Ministerial Conference on ending violence against children held in Bogotá, Colombia, on 7-8 November, Director General of Democracy and Human Dignity, Marja Ruotanen, showcased the work carried out by the Council of Europe over the twenty years in this field. Freedom from...
Protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse: threats and opportunities of new technologies
“Emerging technologies: threats and opportunities for the protection of children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse” is the theme of a capacity-building event held in Vienna on 5 November by the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Committee (the body that monitors the implementation of the...
ECRI marks 30 years of existence with a landmark seminar
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) hosted its 2024 Annual Seminar with Equality Bodies on 17-18 October 2024, in Strasbourg, commemorating 30 years of dedicated work in combating racism and intolerance across Europe. The event was organised in consultation with the...
Understanding the risks of trafficking: a crucial step in protecting children of Ukraine
War and mass displacement typically amplify the risks linked to human trafficking, and the war in Ukraine is no exception. As the war drags into its third year, these risks have not diminished but changed form. Children, particularly those displaced by Russia’s war of aggression, face an...
Albania signs the Nicosia Convention
On Tuesday, October 15, in the presence of the Deputy Secretary General, the Ambassador Dastid KORESHI, Permanent Representative of Albania, signed the Council of Europe Convention on Offenses relating to Cultural Property (CETS 221). This latest signature brings the total number of signatures to...
European Day of Languages 2024: Languages for peace
The European Day of Languages on 26 September is, this year, celebrated under the motto of “Languages for peace” – highlighting how linguistic diversity and language education can play a key role in promoting a culture of peace, living together and democracy. This theme has been taken up by many...
Council of Europe experts give guidance on applying the recovery and reflection period for victims of trafficking
A new Guidance Note published by GRETA, the Council of Europe anti trafficking body, highlights the purposes and principles of the recovery and reflection period and its legal basis and procedures. Provided for in Article 13 of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in...
Regional Seminar « How to put the beauty of FARO principles into practice? »
Organised jointly by Finnish Heritage Agency and the Council of Europe. a Baltic Sea Region seminar dedicated to the implementation of the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, better known as the Faro Convention, took place in the historical island...
European Audiovisual Observatory: new report on the share of women in today’s European film industry
The proportion of women working in the various different roles in European film production only grew from 19% in 2015 to 24% in 2023. Between 2019 and 2023, the proportion of women in the cinema industry represented around 30% for producers, editors, screenwriters and directors, and only 12% for...
Save the dates: 13-14 November 2024 and register
Conference on "Academic Freedom in Action"
The conference "Academic Freedom in Action”, scheduled to take place on 13-14 November 2024 in Strasbourg, will highlight the democratic mission of higher education and the importance of protecting and promoting academic freedom, ensuring that higher education remains a cornerstone of democracy...
Updating the European Youth Foundation’s work after Reykjavik
The Consultative meeting on the reform of the EYF’s grants was held on 11-12 September in Strasbourg and it gathered more than 50 participants – representatives of member states, international, local and national youth organisations, donor community, youth researchers and the Council of Europe....
Commemorating the Roma Holocaust: Council of Europe’s commitment to remembrance and history education
The Council of Europe marks the 80th anniversary of the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, commemorating the tragic events of 2 August 1944, when the last Roma and Sinti in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp were murdered. This commemoration is a poignant reminder of the atrocities...
Marking a decade of legally binding standards to protect women and girls from gender-based violence: The Istanbul Convention entered into force 10 years ago!
The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, also known as the Istanbul Convention after the city in which it opened for signature, marks 10 years since it entered into force on 1 August 2014. Since that day, 38 countries have become...
Sport and the French-speaking world: promoting equality and diversity
Sport is a vehicle for peace, solidarity and inclusion. Unfortunately, sporting environments all too often give rise to discriminatory, violent and abusive behaviour. Whether the discrimination is based on race, gender or sexual orientation, it is essential to prevent and respond to these...
The European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter Series: part 5 of 10
Sport for all: the access to sport considered as a fundamental right
Sport provides numerous benefits, from enhancing physical and mental health to fostering social connections. Ensuring that everyone has access to sport without discrimination is crucial. This universal access to sport is the cornerstone of both the Council of Europe’s European Sports Charter and...
The European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter series: part 4 of 10
Fair play, or how to foster respect and fellowship through sport
Promoting fair play means so much more than just playing by the rules. The Council of Europe’s European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter both place fair play at the core of the values-based sport model. The European Sports Charter, Article 8 underlines the power of fair play as a vehicle of...
The European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter series: part 3 of 10
Sport integrity: together for a democratic, transparent and ethical sport
The Council of Europe’s European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter both promote a values-based sport, with specific provisions on safeguarding its integrity: Article 8 of the European Sports Charter emphasises that “the pursuit of sport integrity should commit all stakeholders and […]...
Addressing populism through citizenship education: Keynote at London Metropolitan University
The Council of Europe’s Education Department was invited to deliver the opening keynote at the London Metropolitan University’s annual Student and Staff Research conference, bringing together staff and students to showcase their research. Addressing the audience, Sarah Keating, Head of the...
New e-learning course for professionals working with children faced with war related psychological difficulties
On 4 July 2024, the Council of Europe Project “Protecting the Rights of Ukrainian Children during and in post-war context” presented an online learning course “Specificities of the work of social psychologists with children who have psychological difficulties related to the war”. The e-learning...
The European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter series: part 2 of 10
Human rights in and through sport: the European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter
The Council of Europe’s European Sports Charter and the Olympic Charter both promote values-based sport, with specific provisions on the protection of human rights in sport. The European Sports Charter (article 6) states: “All stakeholders shall respect and protect internationally recognised...
GRETA holds its 51st plenary meeting
The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) held its 51st plenary meeting from 1 to 5 July 2024 in Strasbourg, France. GRETA adopted the final report on San Marino as part of the third evaluation round of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on...
2nd Working Conference "Regulating the use of Artificial Intelligence systems in education"
Key stakeholders across Europe will explore the regulatory dimensions of AI in education at the 2nd Working Conference in October
The Education Department of the Council of Europe is organising the 2nd Working Conference on 24-25 October 2024 to address regulation of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in education. The conference will provide an opportunity for key stakeholders from different backgrounds across...
Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine discusses the risks of trafficking of Ukrainian children including for the purposes of sexual and labour exploitation
Millions of Ukrainian children have fled their homeland as a result of Russia’s war of aggression, with many of them being hosted in Council of Europe member states. Armed conflicts create particular vulnerabilities for children leading to increased risks of abuse at many levels, including...
Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine discusses the risks of trafficking of Ukrainian children including for the purposes of sexual and labour exploitation
Millions of Ukrainian children have fled their homeland as a result of Russia’s war of aggression, with many of them being hosted in Council of Europe member states. Armed conflicts create particular vulnerabilities for children leading to increased risks of abuse at many levels, including...
Belgium ratifies the Macolin Convention
The instrument of ratification by Belgium of the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (CETS No. 215), also known as the Macolin Convention was registered this day, 1 July 2024, by the Treaty office of the Council of Europe. Belgium thus becomes the 10th State...
ECML Summer Academy
Inspiring Innovation in European Language Teacher Education
The 3rd ECML Summer Academy, held from 24-28th June 2024, successfully brought together 25 language teacher educators from 25 different European countries. The Academy took place within the ECML's ongoing cooperation action with the European Commission, "Innovative methodologies and assessment in...
The Olympic Torch stops at the Council of Europe on its way to Paris
In a historical and unprecedented moment, the Olympic Torch entered the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg on 26 June and was greeted by leading officials, parliamentarians and staff on its journey to the host city of Paris ahead of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Torch was...
Annual Joint Meeting of the ENIC and NARIC Networks, Naples, Italy, 23-25 June 2024
The annual joint meeting of the ENIC and NARIC networks was held in Naples, Italy from 23-25 June 2024. This event gathered around 150 representatives from national centres for the recognition of qualifications, creating a dynamic platform for sharing expertise and best practices. The...
Lanzarote Committee adopts an opinion on limitation periods in respect of sexual offences against children
At its 42nd plenary meeting (11-13 June 2024), the Lanzarote Committee (Committee of Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse) adopted an opinion to clarify the interpretation of the Lanzarote Convention in respect of...
Exchange of good practices and shared priorities
International Event on the fight against offences relating to cultural property
Crimes against cultural property are a global concern that require equally global solutions. The alienation and destruction of heritage objects affect everyone, insofar as cultural assets are not only the legacy of each country, but also of humanity as a whole. Therefore, being a scourge that...
Croatia makes its mark in the digital exhibition “Free to Create - Create to be Free”
The “Free to Create - Create to be Free” digital #exhibition, a unique initiative by the Council of Europe, accompanies the Manifesto on Artistic Freedom in the Digital Era and Reports on Artistic Freedom in Europe. This project under the framework of “Free to Create - Create to be Free” launched...
Finding Your Voice
In the period from 27 May to 1 June, the European Youth Centre Strasbourg hosted a group of hard-of-hearing (HoH) young people from the Federation of Hard-of-hearing Young People (IFHOHYP) for a 6-day study session "Finding your voice", with the aim to empower HoH young people by enabling them to...
16th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence
At its 16th meeting, the Committee of the Parties to the Istanbul Convention held in Strasbourg on 31 May 2024 adopted recommendations for Liechtenstein and conclusions on the implementation of recommendations in relation to Andorra, Belgium, Malta and Spain. It took note of the implementation...
EduTalks@Council of Europe- Research and academic integrity
Research and academic integrity are crucial for ensuring that knowledge is produced ethically, credibly and shared transparently. Policymakers, higher education institutions, and educators play significant roles in upholding these values, fostering a culture of integrity while balancing...
"Nothing about us without us" - new guidelines on engaging with victims and survivors of childhood sexual violence
Ahead of the International Children’s Day celebrated on 1 June, the Council of Europe has published Guidelines for policy makers on engaging with victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse – “Nothing About Us Without Us”. This initiative is in line with the day’s mission...
Special Session held in Bucharest to mark 70 years of the European Cultural Convention
On Thursday, 30 May 2024, the Meeting of the Bureau of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe was held in Bucharest at the invitation of the Romanian National Institute for Cultural Research and Training. The meeting provided a platform for...
Students meet MEFA Minister on the occasion of Council of Europe 75th anniversary
75 years of protecting human rights, democracy and rule of law in Europe - 75 schools to pilot better education for sustainable democratic future in Albania: Students from the Council of Europe’s pilot schools meet the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania on the...
New Georgian legislation on transparency of Foreign Influence does not conform to European and international standards, says Expert Council on NGO law
The Expert Council on NGO law, a body of the Conference of International non-governmental organisations of the Council of Europe, released today an opinion on Georgia’s law on transparency of foreign Influence which was adopted on 14 May at the conclusion of its third reading. In the 25 pages...
New ECRI Factsheet on tackling racism and intolerance in the area of health care
The factsheet outlines key recommendations made by ECRI on the topic of discrimination and intolerance in the area of health from its country monitoring reports from the fourth, fifth, and sixth monitoring cycles of ECRI. Racism and intolerance have a negative impact on the enjoyment of the right...
Entry into Force of Multilateral Treaty on Automatic Recognition of Qualifications of Benelux and Baltic States Celebrated in Brussels
In a significant milestone for higher education in Europe, the Multilateral Treaty on Automatic Recognition of Qualifications was celebrated in a ceremony at the Residence Palace in Brussels. The event marks the formal entry into force of the treaty on 1 May 2024, strengthening the legal...
Day of Education for Democratic Culture marked by mentor school “Veljko Dugosevic” from Turija
Mentor school for Democratic Culture, “Veljko Dugosevic” from Turija, together with their mentees, elementary school “Slobodan Jovic” from Voluja, marked the Day of Education for Democratic culture in Kaona. The goal of the day was to bring students, local community, and parents together and show...
The year 2023 in Intercultural Cities – the annual report now online
The Intercultural Cities (ICC) Programme Annual Report 2023 presents the main events and activities organised last year, as well as the tools and methodologies developed to assist local and regional authorities in Europe and beyond in the design, implementation and review of intercultural...
Second meeting of the Co-ordinating bodies
Liechtenstein's beautiful town of Schaan set the stage for the 2nd meeting of co-ordinating bodies established under the Istanbul Convention, bringing together participants with a responsibility for policymaking on violence against women from almost all parties to the convention. Ambassador...
New Council of Europe Guide to children’s participation in decisions about their health released
Respect for free and informed consent is one of the fundamental rights of every patient cared for by a healthcare professional or institution. This principle lies at the heart of the doctor-patient relationship and is recognised by international law (Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine,...
GRETA’s 2023 annual report highlights the need for strengthening trafficking victims’ access to justice and effective remedies
The Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has published today its latest general report of activities, highlighting the key achievements in 2023. These include the publication of 11 new country evaluation reports (in respect of Azerbaijan,...
Let’s celebrate the 70th anniversary of the European Cultural Convention in Venice on 20th April!
As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the European Cultural Convention, which recognises creativity as having intrinsic cultural, social and political value, it is a critical moment for us to pause and reflect on the state of artistic freedom in Europe today. To do this, the Council of Europe,...
International Roma Day: adoption of a new Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation to member States on equality for Roma and Traveller* women and girls
Ahead of International Roma Day, the Committee of Ministers has adopted a Recommendation to the 46 Council of Europe member states to ensure equality for Roma and Traveller women and girls and address the specific vulnerabilities they face. International Roma Day is a moment for us to celebrate...
Council of Europe adopts Recommendation on countering the use of SLAPPs
On 5 April 2024, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2024)2 on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs). Alarmed by the chilling effect that SLAPPs have on freedom of expression and public participation, the...
Combating discrimination in sports: Educational Workshop on the European Sports Charter
The Council of Europe’s Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) is holding an Educational Workshop on the European Sports Charter for the U-18 Ice Hockey National Team of Ukraine on 3-4 April in Budapest, Hungary. The Workshop is organised in collaboration with the Ukrainian Ministry of Youth...
Lanzarote Committee: a year in review and roadmap for 2024
The Committee of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Committee) held its 41st plenary meeting in Strasbourg from 13 to 15 February 2024. Following this meeting, the Committee adopted its 8th Activity Report covering...
ECRI Chair speaks to the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Bertil Cottier, Chair of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), spoke to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe at its 46th Session in Strasbourg, France, in the context of a debate entitled “Local authorities and regional authorities in...
Council of Europe's Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU) concluded its session
The 5th Plenary session of the Council of Europe's Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU), which was held from 20 to 22 March 2024 in Strasbourg saw decisive actions towards enhancing education and promoting democratic values. The Committee endorsed a detailed two-year roadmap for the creation...
CERD-ECRI joint statement on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Verene Shepherd, Chairperson of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), the United Nations anti-racism body, and Bertil Cottier, Chair of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), the Council of Europe’s anti-racism body, express deep concern and...
New ECRI Factsheet on racism and discrimination against Black persons / people of African Descent
Factsheet on racism and discrimination against Black persons
The factsheet outlines key recommendations made by ECRI on the topic of anti-Black racism and discrimination from across its country monitoring reports that were made public over the last 30 years. ECRI has all too often observed that Black persons and people of African descent continue to face...
15 years of anti-trafficking monitoring work: event on the occasion of GRETA’s 50th plenary meeting
The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) held an event on the occasion of its 50th plenary meeting and 15 years of monitoring of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary...
Secretary General opens first Co-ordination Meeting on Combating Anti-Muslim Hatred and Discrimination
“There is no doubt that while many Muslim communities are well-integrated throughout Europe, contributing to civic life and being appreciated for it, there remain many instances of prejudice, discrimination and even violence targeted against Muslim people because of their faith. Following recent...
Child human rights defenders want to be heard by their governments: Council of Europe study
Child human rights defenders want governments to start listening to their opinions, ideas, and proposals in the development of laws and policies. This is one of the main findings of a new report: “Children as defenders of human rights: a study on Council of Europe member states” published today....
A new manual on equality data collection to tackle systemic discrimination
Systemic discrimination is not immediately visible and is rarely the result of specific intent. Yet, it drives entrenched disadvantage and inequality for many groups in society. As this is a complex phenomenon to identify, the collection and analysis of equality data are indispensable. Resulting...
Lanzarote Convention: a tool to fight child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse worldwide
On 12 March 2024, the Council of Europe and the Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations in Geneva hosted an event “Join states in a class of excellence to fight child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse” on the margins of the 55th Session of the UN Human Rights Council. The event...
International Women’s Day – EDVAW Platform calls for action against gender-based violence and poverty
On the occasion of International Women's Day, the EDVAW Platform (Platform of Independent Expert Mechanisms on Discrimination and Violence against Women) has issued a powerful statement reaffirming its commitment to eradicating gender-based violence and poverty. This statement comes as a poignant...
Statement by Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić ahead of International Women’s Day.
Artificial Intelligence - Bridging the Equality Gap
“More and more, AI is giving shape to the world we live in - our job prospects, our health-care outcomes, our access to benefits and services. The list of areas affected by AI is long and is growing. Unless we learn how to harness the potential of AI to bridge inequalities - including gender...
Council of Europe takes stock of the work to protect children’s rights since 2022
Freedom from violence for all children, equal opportunities and social inclusion, access to technologies and their safe use, child-friendly justice and child participation – these are key objectives of the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) that was adopted on 23...
Taking place online on Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 18.00 – 19.30 (CET)
Webinar on “Women in religions - Addressing structural discrimination & violence against women”
The Conference of INGOs Committee Interreligious and interconvictional dialogue is organising a webinar on “Women in religions - Addressing structural discrimination & violence against women” on Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 18.00 – 19.30 (CET) with simultaneous English/French interpretation. The aim of...
Taking place on 27 February, 11.00 – 13.00 (CET) in Strasbourg and online
World NGO Day - 27 February 2024- talk on “Civic Space, Democracy and Artificial Intelligence: how do they intersect?”
The Conference of INGOs is hosting an event to celebrate World NGO Day on 27 February in Strasbourg and online. The list of guest speakers for this 2 hour event will include the founder of the World NGO Day, Marcis Skadmanis and a representative of Microsoft Philantropy to discuss one of the...
Cinema attendance in Europe up by 18% in 2023, but is still below pre-pandemic levels
According to initial findings compiled by the Council of Europe’s European Audiovisual Observatory, cinema attendance in wider Europe rose to approximately 859 million admissions in 2023. This reflects a positive year-on-year rise of 18.1%, signifying an increase of 131.8 million tickets compared...
Council of Europe user-friendly tool to empower users in the digital landscape
Do You Know Your Digital Rights and Responsibilities? Take the quiz and find out!
In a bid to empower individuals with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of the digital age, the Council of Europe has developed a user-friendly tool aimed at alerting on the challenges facing the user in the online environment in the absence of a proper understanding of the...
Council of Europe joins global celebration of Safer Internet Day 2024
For the 9th consecutive year, the Council of Europe is supporting the Safer Internet Day Campaign and is joining forces with numerous stakeholders to work together for a better and safer internet for all, and especially for children and young people. Safeguarding and promoting the rights of the...
European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) launches new projects
AI and deeper learning in language education, unlocking opportunities for sign languages users: the ECML launches new projects for 2024-2027
The first meeting under the new programme “Language education at the heart of democracy” (2024-2027) launched by the Council of Europe’s European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) took place in Graz, Austria on 25-26 January 2024. Supporting the integration of children from different linguistic...
Secretary General highlights Council of Europe 75th anniversary at Assembly Winter plenary session
“This May we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe and I think it is important to recognise how far we have come. No other continent has ever put in place a common legal area, protecting, and promoting common standards in human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Doing...
European Heritage Days Theme 2024
Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections
The heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections brochure to accompany the theme has now been published with advice and inspiration as well as further reading and resources. More ideas about how to approach the theme such as building new partnerships and networks, finding historic and...
Neva Tölle, winner of the 2024 Raoul Wallenberg Prize
The Council of Europe's Raoul Wallenberg Prize was awarded yesterday by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, to Neva Tölle, for her commitment to preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, in a ceremony held at the Palais de l'Europe...
Denmark ratifies the Saint-Denis Convention
The Permanent Representation of Denmark has transmitted, this 16 January 2024, to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe the instrument of approbation of the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events...
The Netherlands signs the Faro Convention
This latest signature brings the total number of signatures to 5, in addition to the 24 member States that have ratified the Convention. The Netherlands’ signature should further encourage citizen engagement in cultural heritage governance and the development of new bottom-up initiatives in this...
Protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in the circle of trust: find out how you can contribute
Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse affect children in every country across the world, in the vast majority of cases the child is abused by someone they know and trust. Until now 48 countries have joined forces to better prevent and protect children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse...
Statement of the ICC Programme Advisory Group on the occasion of the International Migrants Day
On the occasion of International Migrants Day, the Intercultural Cities (ICC) Programme wishes to highlight the positive contributions by migrants to society. ICC continues producing tools to support cities in the intercultural integration of migrants as well as in shaping and promoting...
Setting up co-ordinating bodies responsible for policies on violence against women: new publication on Article 10 of the Istanbul Convention
Today, a new publication is being released, providing guidance to set up official co-ordinating bodies responsible for policies on violence against women, in line with the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention)....
ECRI holds its 93rd plenary meeting and warns against the rise of antisemitism in Europe as a result of the current conflict in the Middle East
ECRI held its 93rd plenary meeting in Strasbourg, which took place from 5 to 8 December 2023. On 7 December, ECRI adopted a statement on the rise of antisemitism in Europe as a result of the current conflict in the Middle East. The text of the statement is available here. Earlier, on 5 and 6...
Denmark signs the Saint-Denis Convention
Jens Kisling, Permanent Representative of Denmark, formalised, this 11th December, before the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Bjørn Berge, the signature of the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other...
How to design an intercultural communication strategy?
A new guide to designing a communication strategy in intercultural cities has been published. Communication is a particularly significant aspect of the intercultural “journey”, and the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities (ICC) Index includes a section on communication and media relations,...
Council of Europe Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine launched
The Council of Europe Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine (CGU) held its first meeting in Strasbourg on 30 November - 1 December 2023, bringing together over 85 participants (in person and online) to discuss ways to effectively protect the rights of millions of Ukrainian children...
History teaching challenged by limited time, curriculum overload and teaching pressures, new Council of Europe report reveals
The first general report by the Council of Europe Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE), released in Strasbourg today, highlights teachers' concerns that crowded curriculums and teaching pressures are the greatest obstacles to history teaching in Europe. The report, presented at the...
EPAS Diversity Conference: including child migrants and refugees in and through sport
The Council of Europe’s Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) held its biennial Diversity Conference organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport of the Principality of Liechtenstein under the framework of the Liechtenstein Presidency of the Committee...
Statement by Dominique Hasler, President of the Committee of Ministers and Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe
How the Istanbul Convention is saving lives
As we approach the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, sobering statistics remind us of the urgent need to stop this violence, and a landmark treaty is proving increasingly successful to do just that: the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating...
Sport Integrity Week to fight the manipulation of sports competitions
The Sport Integrity Week to fight the manipulation of sports competitions is being held in Athens from 27 November to 1 December. This first-ever joint venture is co-organised by the Council of Europe, the International Olympic Committee, INTERPOL, UEFA, the Greek National Platform for Sport...
Last meeting of the CDDG: taking stock of achievements and adoption of reports on green public administration and multilevel governance
The European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) is holding on 23 and 24 November its 18th and last meeting since its creation nine years ago. Ambassador Svetlana Geleva, Chair of the Committee of Ministers’ Rapporteur Group on Democracy, Mathieu Mori, Secretary General of Congress and...
WADA annual meeting: Reforms and key governance issues discussed to help combat doping in sports world-wide
Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General Bjørn Berge has represented the Council of Europe in the annual meetings of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on 16 and 17 November in Montreal, Canada. The Deputy Secretary General attended the Executive Committee and participated, as a member...
Take part in the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Division project to supplement the HUDOC-GRETA database and submit domestic case law on human trafficking
The Council of Europe anti-trafficking Division has launched a project to supplement the HUDOC-GRETA database which contains all reports prepared by the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA). During their 4th meeting on 26 and 27 October 2023, the...
European day against child sexual abuse: stronger engagement with victims and survivors needed to stop stigmatisation and prevent further crime, says Secretary General
Ahead of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (18 November), Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić has called on Council of Europe member states to step up their engagement with victims and survivors of childhood sexual violence to help...
12th plenary session of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
The CDCPP will hold its 12th plenary session in Strasbourg on 15-17 November 2023. Members of the Committee will discuss, inter alia, the follow-ups to the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Culture (Strasbourg, 1 April 2022) and the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government...
Preserving the integrity of sport by combatting illegal betting
A Council of Europe conference in Rabat (Morocco) aims to raise awareness of illegal betting, one of the biggest challenges to sport integrity and a key target in the fight against the manipulation of sports competitions, as addressed by the Macolin Convention. During the conference speakers are...
World Forum for Democracy: ‘Democracy = Peace?’
From Monday 6 to Wednesday 8 November, at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the World Forum for Democracy is bringing together intellectuals, politicians, activists, experts and young people from all over the world to debate how democracy can give better guarantees of peace. The event’s title...
The United Kingdom ratifies the Saint-Denis Convention
Alex Chalk, Lord Chancellor & Secretary of State for Justice the of United Kingdom, deposited, on 31 October 2023, before the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Bjørn Berge, the instrument of ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and...
ECRI’s 2023 Annual Seminar Focuses on Enhancing Independence and Effectiveness of Equality Bodies
The 2023 Annual Seminar with Equality Bodies, hosted by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), was held on 27 October. It focused on the theme of enhancing the independence and effectiveness of equality bodies, including by means of enhanced co-operation with national...
4th meeting of the Committee of Experts on the Intercultural Integration of Migrants (ADI-INT)
On 17-18 October, the Committee of Experts on the Intercultural Integration of Migrants (ADI-INT) held its 4th meeting at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. The ADI-INT is comprised of representatives of national, regional and local governments and during its 4th meeting, the Committee...
Fair anti-doping procedures should be a reality for all athletes
More than 80 sport experts are gathering in Riga, Latvia, to define how to make anti-doping procedures fairer for athletes. The Conference, co-organised by the Council of Europe and the Latvian Presidency of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, aims at analysing national and...
Transformative power of education: universal values and civic renewal – Ministerial Conference in Strasbourg
The renewal of education's civic mission, education in times of emergency and crisis, and harnessing the potential of digital transformation in education are the main themes of the 26th Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education held in Strasbourg on September 28-29. The...
Stop intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI persons: new recommendation published
As LGBTI people still experience high rates of discrimination and abuse, including violence, due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) of the Council of Europe today published a...
European Day of Languages 2023: a Day to highlight Europe’s linguistic and cultural diversity
Every year since 2001 the European Day of Languages (EDL) celebrates the wealth of languages coexisting in Europe and beyond. Over 225 languages are native to Europe alone, not including languages that arrived on the continent through migration. “The European Day of Languages reminds us that...
Council of Europe’s anti-racism body calls for a more strategic and coordinated approach to tackle hate speech, including online
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) today publishes its sixth report on Iceland, together with the Icelandic Government´s comments. The report, covering the situation in Iceland up to 30 March 2023, is focusing on hate speech and hate-motivated violence and issues of...
12th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum: 300 stakeholders, 60 speakers from across Europe met in Łódź, Poland on 20 - 22 September 2023
The 12th Annual Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe took place in Łódź, Poland on 20-22 September, organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) and the European Institute of Cultural Routes, in cooperation with the Ministry...
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes welcomes its 40th member State
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe welcomed its 40th member State following the accession of the Republic of Malta on 30th August. Established in 2010 by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and twelve founding member States, the Enlarged...
International Day of Democracy: Secretary General opens the first Exchange of views with Civil Society
“Civil society is a prerequisite for a functioning democracy”, highlighted Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić, quoting the Reykjavík Principles of Democracy at the opening of the first regular exchange of views with Civil Society, on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy. “The...
Deliberative Democracy: First International Standard Adopted by the Council of Europe!
The Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Deliberative Democracy, adopted on 6 September 2023, has become the first international standard in this field. The Recommendation contributes to the implementation of the Reykjavik Principles for Democracy, in...
Good Democratic Governance: a New Standard for the Council of Europe Member States
Today's decision by the Committee of Ministers to adopt Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)5 to member states on the principles of good democratic governance establishes the first international legal instrument in this field. The Recommendation gives meaning to the call of Heads of State and Government,...
New Council of Europe Recommendation aims to strengthen national reporting systems for professionals on violence against children
The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers has adopted a new Recommendation to member States on strengthening reporting systems on violence against children. Often underreported and undetected, violence against children remains widespread. Professionals working with children frequently face...
Cultural heritage, cornerstone of European construction
European Heritage Days 2023
Living Heritage is the pan-European theme for the 2023 European Heritage Days. Tens of thousands of events taking place in 48 participating countries will showcase the vibrancy, diversity and significance of cultural traditions, knowledge, and skills in Europe. Organised jointly by the Council of...
Protecting children from abuse in sport: EPAS and the Lanzarote Convention
The Council of Europe’s Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) participated in the 30th International Congress for the Prevention and Care of Child Abuse (30 Congreso Internacional de Prevención y Atención del Maltrato Infantil) on 29 August 2023. This annual Congress is organised by...
Statement by Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić
Green skills for Youth: towards a sustainable world
“On International Youth Day (12 August), recalling the Council of Europe Reykjavík Declaration on the need to protect our environment, I call on our member states to ensure young people are given every opportunity to enjoy their human rights and to live a life in dignity by creating new green...
Environmental sustainability: a priority for social inclusion
The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) works hard to keep the environmental footprint of its social investments as light as possible. Not only is this essential for our planet, but the Bank believes that social inclusion and progress on the environment, particularly climate action, go hand...
Against multiple crises backdrop, the fight against human trafficking must remain high on all stakeholders’ agenda, says GRETA
Multiple crises, conflicts and the climate emergency increase vulnerabilities to human trafficking and diversify trafficking risks, which is why governments and other stakeholders must allocate adequate attention and resources to combating it. This is the message from the Inter-Agency...
ECRI holds its 92nd plenary meeting and exchanges views with a delegation of the European Court of Human Rights, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on Migration and Refugees
The commission adopted the final text of its General Policy Recommendation No. 17 on preventing and combating intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI persons. As part of its sixth country monitoring cycle, ECRI examined its preliminary draft report on Liechtenstein and adopted its reports on...
26th session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education
The 26th session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education will be held on September 28 and 29, 2023, in Strasbourg, France. The main themes are the renewal of education's civic mission, education in times of emergency and crises, and harnessing the potential of...
The European Union deposited the instrument of approval of the Istanbul Convention
Today, in the presence of Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Ambassador Mårten Ehnberg, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the Council of Europe (Presidency-in-office of the Council of the European Union), and Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality,...
Lanzarote Committee launches new monitoring round on the protection of children against sexual abuse in the circle of trust
Sexual exploitation and sexual abuse affects children in every country. The majority of abuse occurs in the child’s circle of trust, and in many cases is never reported to the police or victim support services. At its 38th meeting (30 May - 2 June 2023), the Committee of the Parties (Lanzarote...
France ratifies the Macolin Convention
The instrument of ratification by France of the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (CETS No. 215), also known as the Macolin Convention was registered this day, 21 June 2023, by the Treaty office of the Council of Europe. France thus becomes the 9th State...
Sweden ratifies the Saint-Denis Convention
The instrument of ratification by Sweden of the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events (CETS Nº 218), also known as the Saint-Denis Convention, has been registered by the Treaty office of the Council of...
The Council of Europe certifies a new Cultural Route
On the occasion of its 2023 meeting (10-11 May, Luxembourg), the Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) awarded the Council of Europe Cultural Route certification to "Transhumance trails ", bringing the number of certified Cultural...
The place of men and boys in gender equality policies: Council of Europe guidelines adopted
The Council of Europe has adopted a set of Guidelines on the place of men and boys in gender equality policies and in policies to combat violence against women. The Guidelines detail the range of measures member States should take: focusing on men and boys as agents of change and on countering...
Italy ratifies the Additional Protocol to the Anti-Doping Convention
This 5 June2023, Italy deposits the instrument of ratification of the Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention ETS No. 188). Italy is the 30th State to ratify the Additional Protocol, which will enter into force in respect of Italy on 1 October 2023. The Additional...
Consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine, mixed picture with LGBTI persons’ rights, antigypsyism and shrinking space for civil society - Council of Europe anti-racism body presented key trends in Europe in 2022
Addressing the challenges posed by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, addressing continued discrimination – despite certain progress - of LGBTI persons, Roma and Travellers, as well as the need for supporting civil society actors were the main thematic clusters of issues European...
International Conference “The Nicosia Convention: a criminal justice response to offences relating to cultural property”
The International Conference “The Nicosia Convention: a criminal justice response to offences relating to cultural property”, organised by the Council of Europe together with the Latvian authorities in the framework of the Presidency of Latvia to the Committee of Ministers to the Council of...
Council of Europe celebrates International Children’s Day by launching a new video on Barnahus
1 June is International Children’s Day aimed at promoting and celebrating children’s rights, their well-being, and addressing challenges they face. Your browser does not support JavaScript! JavaScript is needed to display this video player! On this occasion, the Council of Europe is launching a...
Statutes of limitation for sexual offences against children and “age of consent” in Council of Europe member states
In the context of an ongoing debate and diverse approaches to statutes of limitations in respect of sexual offences against children and the legal age for sexual activities, commonly known as the “age of consent”, in Council of Europe member states, the Lanzarote Committee (Committee of the...
Minorités nationales au Royaume-Uni : les experts européens signalent des niveaux inquiétants d’antitsiganisme et la nécessité de soutenir davantage les minorités linguistiques
L’organe d’experts du Conseil de l’Europe sur les droits des minorités nationales a mis en évidence la persistance inquiétante de l’antitsiganisme au Royaume-Uni, ainsi que le harcèlement à caractère racial et ethnique dans les écoles. Les minorités linguistiques ont également besoin de plus de...
Eurimages and Beldocs reveal the winner of the 8th edition of the prestigious Audentia Award for Best Female Director
Heads of State and Government from Council of Europe member states united to take action on the situation of children of Ukraine
Today at the 4th Summit of the Council of Europe, Heads of State and Government from the organisation’s 46 member states have adopted a Declaration on the situation of children of Ukraine as part of the Reykjavik Declaration “United around our values”. The Summit hosted by the Icelandic...
Youth work in time of war in Ukraine
What impact is Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine having on young people in the country and on the way youth work is conducted? This question and the support that the Council of Europe has been providing to youth work in Ukraine, are the subject of a series of short documentaries first...
All In Plus: Promoting greater gender equality in sport
Gender equality is a fundamental principle and essential aim for both the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU). The CoE and the EU are pursuing their co-operation in the field of gender equality in sport in the framework of the joint project “All In Plus” (March 2023 – March 2025)....
9th World Summit on Arts and Culture
The 9th World Summit on Arts and Culture, co-hosted by the Swedish Arts Council and IFACCA, is scheduled to take place in Stockholm (Sweden) from 3-5 May 2023. The Summit will bring together leading policy makers, researchers, managers and practitioners from the arts, culture, and related sectors...
Good Democratic Governance Goes Green
Green Public Administration is when considerations for sustainability, long-term orientation, environment and climate change are incorporated into decision-making at all levels of governance. “Turning public administration green” also means formulating a vision to be shared with and by the people...
Presentation of the "Free to Create, Create to be Free“ digital exhibition and the Report on freedom of artistic expression at the PACE Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media
The Council of Europe exhibition "Free to Create, Create to be Free“ will be presented by its curator Dr Katalin Krasznahorkai, to the Parliamentarians present at the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media, to be held on 25 April in Strasbourg....
Secretary General meets Icelandic Minister for Education and Children
Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić has met with the Icelandic Minister for Education and Children Ásmundur Einar Dadason. The conversation focused on the Icelandic Presidency’s support to the Council of Europe’s work for children and for integrating a youth perspective in...
Despite Finland’s high standards for protecting children against sexual violence and guaranteeing their well-being, some gaps remain
A new joint document developed by the Council of Europe and ECPAT International presented in Helsinki today highlights the need for more resources to identify and support victims of child sexual exploitation, including from the most vulnerable groups. While acknowledging the comprehensive...
Adoption of the Council of Europe Recommendation on Library legislation and policy in Europe
At their 1462nd meeting, the Ministers’ Deputies adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Library legislation and policy in Europe. Libraries have a crucial role to play as community hubs striving towards a democratic, cohesive, inclusive and...
ECRI holds its 91st plenary meeting and exchanges views with the Chair of the Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Commission (GEC)
ECRI held its 91st plenary meeting in Strasbourg, which took place from 28 to 30 March 2023. As part of its sixth country monitoring cycle, ECRI examined its preliminary draft reports on Iceland, Luxembourg, North Macedonia and Poland, and adopted its reports on Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia....
Investing in children – the key to prosperity
On 30 March 2023, the Ministry of Education and Children of Iceland and the Council of Europe will host a high-level Conference “Investing in Children – the Key to Prosperity” in Reykjavik, Iceland. Organised under the Icelandic Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe,...
Is Democracy Key to Ensuring Peace? – online roundtable
The European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) of the Council of Europe, is organising a roundtable on the occasion of the Partners for Democracy Day in the lead up to the second Summit for Democracy, and in light of the Fourth Council of Europe Summit of Heads of State and Government...
Conference on Protecting the rights of Ukrainian children during and in post-war context
On 14 March 2023, the Council of Europe will hold an online conference to assess the needs for further support aimed at protecting the rights of the child in Ukraine during the war and in the post-war period, to be covered within the Council of Europe project "Protecting the rights of Ukrainian...
Environment showcases the role of the Council of Europe for young generations
A consultative meeting “Climate crisis and young people” was held in the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on 22-23 February 2023, in preparation for the work of the Joint Council on Youth to draft a new recommendation for the 46 member states of the Council of Europe focusing on climate...
Free to Create: Report on Artistic Freedom in Europe
A new report entitled Free to Create: Artistic Freedom in Europe examines the challenges European artists and cultural workers face in the practice of their right to freedom of artistic expression. These range from laws that curtail creative freedom, attacks from non-governmental groups and...
Twenty-five years of ensuring equality in law and in fact for national minorities
The violent break-up of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s consolidated the resolve in the Council of Europe to draft a dedicated legally binding treaty for the protection of national minorities. This is how, twenty-five years ago, the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities was...
Human rights of intersex people: work launched on new Council of Europe recommendation
Advancing the human rights of intersex people was the key theme of a conference held as part of Iceland’s Presidency of the Committee of Ministers. Conference topics included the right to physical integrity and bodily autonomy, comprehensive medical and social care, access to justice and...
Call for European Heritage Days Stories 2023 - Now open
The Call for European Heritage Days Stories is a chance to share your heritage treasures with other communities in Europe. Now in its fifth edition, the Call is a competitive grant award initiative organised through the European Heritage Days joint action of the Council of Europe and the European...
Centre of Expertise for Good Governance (CEGG)
CEGG Annual report 2022 - Promoting good democratic governance as a means of strengthening democratic culture in Europe
Ensuring democratic security and a strong culture of democracy are key to securing peace and prosperity in Europe. Although 2022 will be remembered for the terrible violence and seismic change caused by the Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine, the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance...
International Migrants Day
Council of Europe publishes guidance on how to better protect children against sexual exploitation and abuse in crisis and emergency situations
Children’s lives are disrupted and seriously affected when forced to leave their homes, whilst on the move, internally displaced or once they have reached the host country. These circumstances make children particularly vulnerable to violence, sexual abuse and exploitation, including trafficking...
2022 Eurimages Co-production Development Awards
Saturday night, the €20,000 Eurimages Co-production Development Award went to the project SEALSKIN written and directed by Irene Moray, presented in the framework of ScriptLab 2022 at TorinoFilmLab. The jury composed of Maialen Beloki Berasategiu (San Sebastian International Film Festival), Erik...
Observatory on History Teaching in Europe
Annual Conference tackles the future of history teaching
The past year has shown how historical arguments can be used to nurture hate, but when taught in all its complexity, history can in fact help appease conflicts - as the 70 years’ experience of the Council of Europe in the field has shown. On December 1-2 the Council of Europe’s Observatory on...
New online course
New LEMON course on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
The new LEMON course on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) is now available on the Help E-Learning platefrom. Aimed at the general public as much as at education practitioners and policymakers, the course will allow learners to develop a richer understanding...
Regional Governance in Lithuania: Closing Conference
The Council of Europe - European Union Joint Project “Establishment of legal, institutional and financial framework at regional (county) level, capacity-building to enhance quality of regional public administration in Lithuania” will come to its end on 15 December 2022. To present the achieved...
11th plenary session of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
The Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) will be holding its 11th plenary session in Strasbourg on 23-25 November 2022. This is the first face-to-face meeting of the Committee since 2019. Participants and observers to the CDCPP are looking forward to exchanging on the...
First gathering on the implementation of the Faro Convention in Spain
The Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports organised the first gathering on the implementation of Faro Convention that took place on 22 November in Siguenza, Spain. Spain has ratified the Faro Convention in April and the gathering served as a first step towards the elaboration of an...
Barnahus model helps children who suffered sexual abuse from feeling like victims for a second time, say Council of Europe leaders
Ahead of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse marked on 18 November, Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić and Iceland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe,...
World Forum for Democracy: “Democracy: A new hope?”
“Democracy: A new hope?” is the theme of this year’s World Forum for Democracy, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The event, taking place from 7 to 9 November at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, will bring together intellectuals, politicians, activists, experts and young people from...
The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages celebrates its 30th anniversary - statement by the Bureau of the Committee of Experts
On 5 November 1992, eleven member states of the Council of Europe signed the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in Strasbourg, considering that the preservation and development of Europe's cultural traditions and wealth depended on the protection of its regional or minority...
Participation of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in UNESCO's Mondiacult2022 Conference
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe participated in UNESCO's Mondiacult2022 Conference, which took place in Mexico from 28-30 September, 40 years after the first meeting. The Secretary General stressed the Council of Europe's commitment to contributing to the achievement of the United...
17th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport: focus on Sport for All and Rethinking Sport
Sport for All and Rethinking Sport were the two central themes of the 17th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport that was held on 26 October in Antalya, Türkiye. Organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) in co-operation with the Ministry of Youth and...
European Anti-Trafficking Day: States must urgently tackle human trafficking for labour exploitation
Ahead of the European Anti-Trafficking Day (18 October) the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has stressed the urgency of tackling the growing menace of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. Helga Gayer, President of GRETA,...
Faro Convention Regional Seminar in Tallinn
The Estonian Ministry of Culture, the Finnish Heritage Agency and the Council of Europe jointly organised the Faro Convention Regional Seminar that took place on 17 and 18 October in Tallinn, Estonia. The event gathered 70 participants both from governmental sector and civil society from Finland...