On 14 September, the Council of Europe in co-operation with Women Against Violence Europe Network (WAVE) and UN Women launched a new methodology and toolkit to support civil society organisations (CSOs) in raising awareness on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).
Around 70 civil society representatives from 28 countries took part in this on-line event that aimed to:
- promote and answer questions related to the new methodology providing advocacy resources and tools to support civil society organisations in promoting the values, aims and provisions of the Istanbul Convention;
- encourage broad participation in the Council of Europe call for proposals from non-governmental organisations working in Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania or the Slovak Republic
The participants were greeted by Caterina Bolognese, Head of the Gender Equality Division, Council of Europe, Yolanda Iriarte, Programme Specialist on ending violence against women, UN Women and Stephanie Futter-Orel, Executive Manager, WAVE Network. Johanna Nelles, Secretary to the Istanbul Convention monitoring mechanism presented the main features of the convention. Lea Dudouet, from WAVE Network presented the methodology. Klara Hlavačková, Czech Women’s Lobby and Iluta Lace, MARTA Centre, Latvia shared their experiences on piloting the methodology in 2021.
The event was organised under the Council of Europe project "Ending violence against women: multi-country programme” .
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