On this page you can find activities taking place all over Europe in the framework of the campaign. If you would like to add your own activities/actions to this list, please complete this form.
Revitalising Italian Democracy: from Fantapolitics to Fantareality
Organisation: Fantapolitica
Project grant approved: €14189
The aim is to empower young people to be the carrier of political change inside the local councils in their cities and towns, by bringing organisational and participatory democratic methods, as well as innovative policies addressing climate change and social inequalities, therefore restoring trust between young people and institutions. The project has three main phases: capacity building of 15 young candidates through a series of 5 online workshops; a 3-days long networking and capacity building event bringing together participants from the previous activity with 10 young local representatives elected in 2021 and some participants outside the NGOs network, representing different political/social movements; lobbying actions targeting local councils in 15 locations.