Podcasts and videos
Get to know the Democracy Here, Democracy Now youth campaign and the Youth Action Week through the podcast episodes made by the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership.
What is the campaign and why was it launched? What is the purpose of the Youth Action Week?
In this episode, Ismael Páez Civico and Marietta Balázs (EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership) talk with Alice Bergholtz, vice-chair of the Advisory Council on Youth and Ruxandra Pandea, campaign co-ordinator.
How does revitalising democracy actually look on the ground and in practice? How can youth organisations contribute to democratic revival on the local and on the international level?
Get to two youth projects supported by the European Youth Foundation in the framework of the Democracy Here, Democracy Now campaign with Gabriella Sesti Osseo (Fantapolitica) and Sophie Spickenbom (WOSM) hosted by Ismael Páez Civico and Mara Georgescu (European Youth Foundation).
Would you like tol isten to podcasts about young people and the youth sector?
Check out the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership’s Under 30’ podcast series that brings research results, explores trends in young people's lives and themes relevant for youth policy and practice available on all major podcast channels.