Back Conference of national associations of local and regional authorities (Assises of the Congress)

As delivered by Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe


President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, dear Marc,

Vice-Minister of the Interior for Lithuania,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


It is indeed a pleasure to join you for a conference that marks three important milestones –

International Democracy Day –

The 30th anniversary of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities –

And the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe itself.

But I believe that these are not merely days to remember –

Or anniversaries to celebrate.

In fact, they are an opportunity to take stock of the state of democracy at every level of government –

And to discuss how we meet the urgent challenges that we face.

We know very well what those challenges are.

The rise of extreme populism and nationalism.

The anti-rights movements, political polarisation and loss of faith in democratic institutions that come with this –

And the erosion of democratic standards – the democratic backsliding – that has been so obvious over recent years –

With restrictions to freedom of expression, including the free media –

And freedom of assembly and association, including peaceful protest.

Ultimately, the unravelling of democracy ends in human suffering.

We have also seen too many times that repression at home is followed by aggression abroad, as is the case with the Russian Federation –

Where the drift away from democratic standards and the lack of respect for human rights over several years cost its own people dearly –

And ended in the country’s appalling war of aggression against Ukraine.

Last year, European leaders gathered in Reykjavík –

There, they agreed to recommit to the values and standards of the Council of Europe –

To develop a range of specific actions designed to stop and reverse the democratic backsliding which is causing so much harm –

And to take the action required to apply our values to the new and evolving challenges of our times.

But most importantly, the Reykjavík Declaration referred to the crucial role of local and regional government in achieving all of this –

And specifically, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities –

Certainly, a great deal of good work is being done by them – and with you.

On Ukraine, the Council of Europe has established a unique Register of Damage –

To record the loss and harm being inflicted by Russia on the ground.

This is now fully operational and receiving thousands of claims –

Right now a new accompanying Claims Commission is under consideration.

As the first and necessary step towards any future compensation mechanism –

In which our Organisation is ready to play its part.

The Congress is doing first-rate work on how to raise awareness of the Register among local authorities in Ukraine –

So that they in turn are empowered to make claims –

And to help citizens do the same.

In the same spirit, the Congress is working with Ukrainian associations, through High Level Dialogue, to ensure the decentralisation of power –

And it is preparing a report on recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine –

Which will address the role of local self-government in rebuilding social capital and ensuring a sustainable future for Ukraine’s cities and regions.

On human rights issues, the Congress has responded to the Reykjavík Declaration with the appointment of a standing rapporteur on Human Rights –

A new human rights strategy –

And by working more closely with both local authorities, and our department for the execution of judgments –

To ensure that the judgments by the European Court of Human Rights are implemented where there has been a violation involving a city or region.

And on democracy and the rule of law along with the vitally important monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-government –

And election observation –

The Congress has taken steps to work more closely with our monitoring bodies on these issues, including the fight against corruption –

I understand that you are also looking at the possibility of adding a new additional protocol on the environment to the European Charter –

In addition, you are revising the Charter on the Participation of Youth at the Local Level.

This is crucial.

On this point, let me also warmly welcome the Congress Youth Delegates who are participating in this Conference –

And whose contribution to democratic life in our communities is of vital importance.

On all of this – and so much more – it is plain to see that the Congress is determined to play its role in applying the letter and the spirit of the Reykjavík Declaration –

And equally clear, that national associations, as well as local and regional government, are central to what we have achieved, and what we can go on to achieve, together.

We shall never forget that local and regional government operate closer to the people than any other level of government.

Your interactions are more direct –

The services that you provide are more immediate –

And your knowledge and understanding of communities and their needs is something we can all benefit from.

So, in our joint fight for a democratic future –

Where human rights are respected, and the rule of law is upheld –

We need you.

We need you as an early warning system when things are going wrong –

And we need your leadership to put things right.

I deeply respect the good work national associations of local and regional authorities do –

All of the advocacy, and training and capacity-building that you provide –

As you share good practice and empower politicians, authorities and institutions to deliver for citizens.

Your aim is in many ways our aim –

And you are essential for turning noble ambitions into practical reality, on the ground.

So, I hope that this Conference –

And the Joint Declaration drafted for signature –

Will reinforce this work and signal the next phase in the ever-closer, ever-productive relationship between our Organisation and the national associations of local and regional government.

At this very critical moment for European democracy –

We must together restore the faith of our citizens, in our political institutions and our democracy –

And we must fight for our democracy.

Thank you for your attention.

Strasbourg 12 September 2024
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