Ms Myrtia MURGIA, Head of Division

Tel:  +33.(0)


Ms Rebecca SCAIFE, Principal Administrative Assistant

 Tel: +33.(0)


Liaison Office of the Council of Europe with the European Union in Brussels

85, avenue de Nerviens
B - 1040 Bruxelles

Mr Andriy ZAYATS, Head of Office


Tel: +32.(0)


Council of Europe Office in Vienna

Council of Europe Office in Vienna in charge of liaison with the OSCE, United Nations Office and other international organisations in Vienna
Albertgasse 35
1080 Vienna

Ms Hermine POPPELLER, Head of Office

Tel: + 43 (0) 17 10 41 27


Council of Europe Office in Warsaw

Council of Europe Office in Warsaw in charge of liaison with international organisations or institutions in Warsaw, in particular with OSCE/ODIHR and the Community of Democracies
Sniadeckich 10
PL - 00-656 Warsaw

Ms Karina WEGRZYNOWSKA, Head of Office

Tel: +48.22.629.68.36


Council of Europe Office in Geneva

Council of Europe Office in Geneva in charge of liaison with United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva
23 avenue de France
CH - 1202 Geneva

Ms. Sylvie Bollini, Acting Head of Office 

Tel: + 41.22.733.24.41


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