The co-operation with the OIF has been formalised by a 2008 Joint Declaration and a multi-annual Co-operation Programme, which is discussed at the GR-EXT with the OIF. On 18 October 2023, the Ministers’ Deputies decided to extend the current programme by one year and instructed the Secretariat “to explore the possibility of co-operation on advocacy in favour of the abolition of the death penalty, as a first step, within the framework of the ad hoc interventions envisaged in the co-operation programme. As a follow- up, on 22 March 2024, the Group of French Speaking Ambassadors  held a working Seminar with the Secretariats of both Organisations in Strasbourg.

See also: document GR-EXT(2023)5 – Implementation of the Joint Declaration on the reinforcement of co-operation between the Council of Europe and the International Organisation of La Francophonie – Co-operation programme 2020-2023. Progress review report (November 2020 – June 2023), 14 September 2023.