What is Democratic Security? How does Democratic Security interact with democracy, human rights and the rule of law? How can the Council of Europe help to foster the capacity of its member states to guarantee security for their citizens through their commitment to democratic norms?

This new series of Debates aims to examine current thinking and dynamics behind the concept of Democratic Security, identify main elements and threats and explore how Democratic Security can strengthen, through different mechanisms related to democracy, human rights and rule of law, peace and stability in Europe.

Co-organised by the Council of Europe and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), the debates on democratic security feature eminent personalities from politics, civil society and the academic world. Each time, speakers address in a different way the complexity of issues related to Democratic Security.

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Back Matthew Feldman on 'Alt Right, Near Right: Mainstreaming extremes'

Eleventh debate
Matthew Feldman on 'Alt Right, Near Right: Mainstreaming extremes'

The revival and spreading of far-right parties in Europe is one of the challenges our democracies have to face today.

Sketching out the history of the rise of the far-right throughout the years, Matthew Feldman, leading expert on fascist ideology and the contemporary far-right, argues that today far-right movements have managed to land in the mainstream political arena due to a reshaping of their outer appearance. 

Adopting what he describes as “doublespeak”, far-right parties have reshaped their “front stage” appearance under the guise of moderation and reform while maintaining a “backstage” of extreme right activism. This ‘revamp’ the far-right has undergone is precisely what has allowed it to become mainstreamed.

The far-right poses a threat to the long term security of our liberal democracies, and it does so precisely because it tries to erode its foundations: tolerance, inclusiveness, human rights. In these delicate times, Feldman concludes, we need to remind ourselves that we are the  guardians of said foundations, and reaffirm with pride our liberal democratic values in the face of the potential attacks to it that will come from within.

Matthew Feldman is Professor in the Modern History of Ideas at Teesside University (UK).He is an expert on fascist ideology and the contemporary far-right in Europe and the USA. He has written widely on these subjects, as well as on the interaction between politics and faith in the modern world.

Professor Feldman's biography

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Strasbourg 28 April 2017
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