This RESOURCES section includes all the works on 3 specific themes - religion, diversity and blasphemy by the Education Department but also by other Council of Europe entities in the field of Education on Religious Diversity.

You can filter the documents by themes (blasphemy, diversity and religion) but you can also cross the filtering with the other criteria available (activities, monitoring, standards-settings)

Back Manual on the wearing of religious symbols in public areas (2014)

Human Rights
This manual explores how the European Convention on Human Rights relates to the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. It identifies the key concepts which can be found in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and examines the role and responsibilities of both state and citizen.The central issue addressed is the wearing of religious symbols in public areas. For this purpose, the author first looks at a number of fundamental topics, including the `visibility' of religions and beliefs in the public sphere, and the notion of `wearing religious symbols'.The essential questions policy makers need to ask when addressing issues concerning the wearing of religious symbols are then listed. Finally, the manual seeks to apply these principles and approaches to a number of key areas such as state employment, schools and universities, the private sector and the criminal justice system.
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