This RESOURCES section includes all the works on 3 specific themes - religion, diversity and blasphemy by the Education Department but also by other Council of Europe entities in the field of Education on Religious Diversity.

You can filter the documents by themes (blasphemy, diversity and religion) but you can also cross the filtering with the other criteria available (activities, monitoring, standards-settings)


Venice Commission

Blasphemy, insult and hatred - Finding answers in a democratic society (Science and Technique of democracy No.47) (2010)

Mutual understanding and acceptance is perhaps the main challenge of modern society. Diversity is undoubtedly an asset, but cohabiting with people of different backgrounds and ideas calls for a new ethic of responsible intercultural relations, in Europe and in the world.This book tries to answer...

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European Convention of Human Rights

Article 9 : Freedom of thought, conscience and religion The text of the Convention is presented as amended by the provisions of Protocol No. 14 (CETS no. 194) as from its entry into force on 1 June 2010. The text of the Convention had previously been amended according to the provisions of...

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Fiche thématique sur la liberté de religion - Juin 2017

Article 9 (liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion) de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme : « 1. Toute personne a droit à la liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion ; ce droit implique la liberté de changer de religion ou de conviction, ainsi que la liberté de...

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Fiche thématique sur le discours de Haine - février 2018

« La liberté d’expression constitue l’un des fondements essentiels [d’une] société [démocratique], l’une des conditions primordiales de son progrès et de l’épanouissement de chacun. Sous réserve du paragraphe 2 de l’article 10 [de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme], elle vaut non...

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Human Rights

Human rights in culturally diverse societies (2016)

This updated publication contains the Committee of Ministers’ guidelines to member States on the protection and promotion of human rights in culturally diverse societies as well as the Compilation of Council of Europe standards relating to the principles of freedom of thought, conscience and...

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Overview of the Court’s case-law on freedom of religion

INTRODUCTION 1. La liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion est un droit fondamental, consacré non seulement par la Convention européenne des Droits de l’Homme mais par de nombreux textes nationaux, internationaux et européens. C’est un droit essentiel, dont l’importance est considérable.

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Youth Department

Can youth make a difference ? Youth policy facing diversity and change (2002)

This book explores the current variety of youth life-styles and elaborates on their implications for youth policy and youth work. For example, how should youth policies respond to the increasing heterogeneity of youth cultures and sub-cultures? How are current models of youth participation to be...

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Venice Commission

CDL-AD(2014)023-e - Joint guidelines on the legal personality of religious or belief communities adopted by the Venice Commission at its 99th Plenary Session (Venice, 13-14 June 2014)

OSCE participating States promised in paragraph 16.3 of the 1989 Vienna Document, to “grant upon their request to communities of believers, practising or prepared to practise their faith within the constitutional framework of their States, recognition of the status provided for them in their...

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Venice Commission

CDL-PI(2014)005-e - Compilation of Venice Commission Opinions and Reports concerning Freedom of Religion and Belief (revised July 2014)

The present document is a compilation of extracts taken from opinions and reports/studies adopted by the Venice Commission on issues concerning the Freedom of Religion and Belief. The aim of this compilation is to give an overview of the doctrine of the Venice Commission in this field. This...

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Venice Commission

CDL-REF(2014)006-e - Law n°02/L-31 on Freedom of Religion in Kosovo, and Addendum

Law N°02/L31 on Freedom of Religion in Kosovo * "All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo"

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Venice Commission

CDL(2014)016-e - Preliminary draft Joint Guidelines on the legal perslonality of religious or belief communities by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR

The freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental right, recognized in international instruments1 and in OSCE commitments.2 International standards specify that everyone will have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.3 This right includes the freedom to manifest one’s...

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Venice Commission

CDL(2014)017-e - Draft Opinion on the draft law on amendments and supplementation of Law N° 02/L-31 p, Freedom of Religion of Kosovo*

By a letter of 7 November 2013, the European Union Special Representative in Kosovo* requested the Venice Commission to provide an opinion on the Draft law amending the law on freedom of religion in force in Kosovo*, thereinafter the “draft law” (see CDL-REF (2013)057 and CDL-REF (2014)06). *...

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Venice Commission

CDL(2014)029-e - Joint Guidelines on the Legal Personality of Religious or Belief Communities

OSCE participating States promised in paragraph 16.3 of the 1989 Vienna Document, to “grant upon their request to communities of believers, practising or prepared to practice their faith within the constitutional framework of their States, recognition of the status provided for them in their...

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Culture Department

Differing diversities: Cultural policy and cultural diversity (2002)

Cultural diversity, in all its forms, is posing a profound challenge to traditional formulations of cultural policy, and to our understanding of the public interests served by this policy. In most countries the artistic and cultural landscape has not evolved to reflect the realities of a changed...

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Venice Commission

Fundamental Rights - Freedom of religion and conscience (List of documents)

The Venice Commission adopts opinions, amicus curiae briefs, studies and guidelines in the field of the protection of fundamental rights, including in particular, freedom of association, prohibition of discrimination, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of conscience and religion.

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Education Department

Living in Diversity - Lesson Plans for Secondary Schools (2010)

This handbook was produced in the framework of the pilot project "Intercultural and interfaith dialogue through education", part of the Council of Europe-European Commission joint programme "Fostering a culture of human rights in South Caucasus and Ukraine" (2006-2009).The Council of Europe is...

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Education Department

Policies and practices for teaching sociocultural diversity - A framework of teacher competences for engaging with diversity (2010)

Future teachers require specific training on democratic culture and social cohesion. By focusing on reflective thinking, training can enable them to situate themselves in diverse environments, develop a clearer sense of their ethnic and cultural identities and examine attitudes to different...

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Education Department

Policies and practices for teaching sociocultural diversity - A survey report (2008)

Although teaching and management of diversity are taken into account in almost all the countries participating in the survey, the "enhanced value" of diversity, which implies the creation of conditions for inclusive participation favorable to equal opportunities for all, is not unanimously...

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Education Department

Policies and practices for teaching sociocultural diversity - Diversity and inclusion: challenges for teacher education (2010)

This fourth and final volume of the series of publications from the Council of Europe project Policies and Practices for Teaching Sociocultural Diversity (2006-09) includes case studies presented at the final conference held in Oslo (Norway) from 26 to 28 October 2009.These concrete examples...

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Education Department

Politiques et pratiques de l'enseignement de la diversité socioculturelle - Concepts, principes et enjeux dans la formation des enseignants (2009)

Le projet « Politiques et pratiques de l'enseignement de la diversité socioculturelle » a été lance en 2006 par le Comite directeur de l'éducation (CDED). Son objectif principal était de favoriser la reconnaissance de la diversité au niveau de la formation initiale des enseignants et la gestion...

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Protecting the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion under the European Convention on Human Rights (2013)

This handbook examines the scope and content of freedom of thought, conscience and religion as guaranteed in particular by Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and as interpreted by the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (“the Strasbourg Court”) and by the former...

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Education Department

Religious diversity and intercultural education: a reference book for schools (2007)

This reference book is intended to help teachers, teacher administrators, policy makers and others deal with the important issue of religious diversity in Europe's schools. The religious dimension of intercultural education is an issue that affects all schools, whether they are religiously...

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Sport facing the test of cultural diversity (2010)

Democratic management of cultural diversity has become a priority for the Council of Europe member states. Sport is no exception to this concern. Faced with the diversity of both participants and spectators, sport becomes a vehicle for intercultural dialogue through its educational and...

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Committee of Ministers

White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue "Living together as equals in dignity" (2010)

Managing Europe's increasing cultural diversity - rooted in the history of our continent and enhanced by globalisation - in a democratic manner has become a priority in recent years. The White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue - "Living together as equals in dignity", responds to an increasing...

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Compilation of Council of Europe standards relating to the principles of freedom of thought, conscience and religion and links to other human rights (2016)

The European Court of Human Rights has described freedom of thought, conscience and religion, set out in Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as one of the foundations of a democratic society. It is of fundamental value not only for believers, but also for atheists, agnostics,...

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Committee of Ministers

Dimension of religions and non-religious convictions within intercultural education - Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)12 and explanatory memorandum (2009)

This policy recommendation defines the perspective from which religions and non-religious convictions are to be taken into account in a framework of intercultural education, while setting out a number of principles, objectives and teaching and learning methods.It was adopted by the Committee of...

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Education Department

Education et diversité religieuse en Méditerranée occidentale (2014)

Cet ouvrage propose aux spécialistes de l’éducation des pistes de réflexions sur le défi que représente dans les communautés plurielles la diversité des religions et convictionnelle. Quatre équipes de chercheurs, en provenance d’Algérie, d’Espagne, d’Italie et du Maroc, ont analysé la place de...

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Human Rights

Europeans and their rights - Freedom of religion (2007)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights proclaim that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including freedom to manifest their religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance. Even today, in our...

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Human Rights

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion (2013)

A guide to the implementation of Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights

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Intergovernmental Cooperation

Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims - Addressing Islamophobia through Education (2015)

Intolerance and discrimination against Muslims are not new phenomena. However, they have evolved and gained momentum in recent years, particularly under conditions of the “war on terror”, the global economic crisis, anxieties about national identity and difficulties in coping with the increased...

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IONG and Council of Europe

Human rights and religions (2015)

Human rights and religions: this has been a topical question ever since religion came to the forefront of current events. Religious diversity is, in fact, integrally connected with cultural diversity, which, as a result of globalisation, has become an unavoidable issue in society, in Europe and...

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Education Department

Inclusive Study of Religions and World Views in Schools: Signposts from the Council of Europe (2016)

This article outlines some issues in incorporating the study of religions, together with non-religious world views, into the curricula of publicly funded schools in Western democratic states. Attention is given to examples from work on this topic conducted within the Council of Europe since 2002,...

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Human Rights

Manual on the wearing of religious symbols in public areas (2014)

This manual explores how the European Convention on Human Rights relates to the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. It identifies the key concepts which can be found in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and examines the role and responsibilities of both state and...

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Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Recommendation 170 (2005) on intercultural and inter-faith dialogue: initiatives and responsibilities of local authorities

Having examined the report on intercultural and inter-faith dialogue: initiatives and responsibilities of local authorities presented by Mary Hunt (United Kingdom, ILDG) and Brith Fäldt (Sweden, SOC) on behalf of the Committee on Culture and Education, and Resolution 202 (2005) on the same...

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Parliamentary Assembly

Recommendation 1804 (2007) State, religion, secularity and human rights

The Parliamentary Assembly notes that religion is an important feature of European society. This is because of the historic fact that certain religions have been present for centuries and because of their influence in Europe’s history. Religions are still multiplying on our continent today, with...

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Parliamentary Assembly

Recommendation 1805 (2007) Blasphemy, religious insults and hate speech against persons on grounds of their religion

The Parliamentary Assembly recalls its Resolution 1510 (2006) on freedom of expression and respect for religious beliefs and reiterates its commitment to the freedom of expression (Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, ETS N°. 5, hereafter “the Convention”) and the freedom of...

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Parliamentary Assembly

Recommendation 1987 (2011) Combating all forms of discrimination based on religion

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly Origin - Text adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of the Assembly, on 25 November 2011 (see Doc. 12788, report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, rapporteur: Mr Pantiru).

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Parliamentary Assembly

Recommendation 2080 (2015) Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly Origin - Assembly debate on 30 September 2015 (33rd Sitting) (see Doc. 13851, report of the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media, rapporteur: Mr Rafael Huseynov; Doc. 13886, opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, rapporteur: Sir...

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Parliamentary Assembly

Recommendation 2101 (2017) The protection of the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minorities

The Parliamentary Assembly, referring to its Resolution 2163 (2017) on the protection of the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minorities, recommends that the Committee of Ministers: 1.1. transmit the said resolution to the governments of member States; 1.2. draw up...

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Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Recommendation 304 (2011) Meeting the challenge of interfaith and intercultural tensions at local level

The population structures of European cities have been significantly shaped by recent migration processes. The resulting ethnic, religious and cultural plurality challenges social cohesion and relations between groups and thus raises new issues for local politics.

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Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Recommendation 365 (2014) Promoting diversity through intercultural education and communication strategies

The population of Europe is rapidly diversifying, and it is now the case that not just major cities, but also small municipalities and authorities more and more frequently have local populations of a very wide range of ethnic, cultural and religious origins. Ethnic minorities, foreign residents,...

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Intergovernmental Cooperation

Religion and the integration of immigrants (1999)

This book brings together information on relevant activities of governements and religious communities which are implementing new pragmatic concepts securing freedom of religious practice on the one hand and the immigrants' intergration in the host society on the other hand. It also details...

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Parliamentary Assembly

Résolution 1928 (2013) Safeguarding human rights in relation to religion and belief, and protecting religious communities from violence

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly Origin - Assembly debate on 24 April 2013 (14th Sitting) (see Doc. 13157, report of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, rapporteur: Mr Volontè; and Doc. 13178, opinion of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons, rapporteur: Mr...

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Parliamentary Assembly

Resolution 2076 (2015) Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society

The Parliamentary Assembly notes that religion has gained renewed importance in European societies.Many beliefs and churches are developing in Europe alongside the religions which have influenced the history of our continent. The Assembly notes with great regret and disquiet that this continues...

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Parliamentary Assembly

Resolution 2103 (2016) Preventing the radicalisation of children and young people by fighting the root causes

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly Origin - Assembly debate on 19 April 2016 (13th Sitting) (see Doc. 14010 and addendum, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Sevinj Fataliyeva; Doc. 14025, opinion of the Committee on Culture, Science,...

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Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Resolution 323 (2011) Meeting the challenge of interfaith and intercultural tensions at local level

In many parts of Europe today urban populations have often become increasingly heterogeneous in ethnic, cultural and religious terms. While this may offer cities opportunities in terms of cultural innovativeness and international competitiveness, heterogeneity also challenges the ability of local...

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Education Department

Signposts - Policy and practice for teaching about religions and non-religious world views in intercultural education (2014)

How can the study of religions and non-religious world views contribute to intercultural education in schools in Europe? An important recommendation from the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)12 on the dimension of religions and non-religious convictions...

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